kids learning

Home Instruction - Gabrielle Carpenter, Student Services Coordinator

Notice of Intent

This is the format through which parents notify the school division superintendent that they plan to home school their child(ren). This form can be a letter, written document or online notification, which must be submitted annually.

The Department of Student Services encourages parents to submit their Notice of Intent to Provide Home Instruction and their Description of Curriculum through the online form system, which is accessed by clicking below.

CLICK HERE TO FILE YOUR NOTICE OF INTENT for the 24-25 school year

Please review your options below for providing home instruction to your child:

  • Parent holds a high school diploma  (copy of diploma or transcript required)

  • Parent holds a teaching license (copy required)

  • Parent will use a program of study or a curriculum that may be delivered through a correspondence course or distance learning program or in any other manner(attach an acceptance letter or evidence of payment with your NOI)

  • Parent will show evidence that they are able to provide an adequate education for their child.
    (Carefully write a grammatically correct letter stating why you are able to provide a good education for your child)

Once a parent/guardian has submitted the NOI, the description of curriculum (if not already included with the Notice of Intent) and any required, supporting documentation must be submitted to the Department of Student Services within 30 days. Correspondence may be faxed or e-mailed using the contact information at the top of this page.

 It may also be mailed to the address below, however, submitting via US Mail may result in a delay of processing your NOI.  If you prefer to submit your paperwork in person, please call to schedule an appointment as we do have new security procedures in place at the administration building this year.

Home Instruction Office
Loudoun County Public Schools
Department of Student Services
21000 Education Court
Room #412
Ashburn, VA 20148

How To File A Notice of Intent

You may file your NOI for the 2024-2025 school year beginning July 1st.

Not sure if you need to file a notice of intent?  Please visit this website to learn the difference between homeschooling and private school.

Home Instruction is one of several alternatives to enrolling a child of compulsory attendance age in public school. It is not a "summer only" offering or a way to advance your child to a higher grade level. 

If you do not intend to continue home instruction, or you move out of Loudoun County, please inform the Home Instruction Office via email to  , fax 571-252-1242, or mail, of the educational setting in which you intend to place your child.

Child Find Notice for Special Education Services

LCPS is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating children who reside in Loudoun County and are in need of special education and related services, including students receiving home instruction.  Parents who suspect their child has a disability and is in need of special education should contact the principal or designee of the child's LCPS school of residence.

Virtual Loudoun

Virtual Loudoun Summer courses are available to middle and high school students looking to get ahead.