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The Banneker Elementary Media Center is a resource center that provides students with both the digital and print resources needed to support and enrich student learning so they are able to make meaningful contributions to the world. We strive to be responsive to student and teacher needs, work collaboratively with teachers to create relevant lessons and activities that develop the skills needed for independent thinking and learning. 

Hours - Goals - Policies

Library Hours  

Monday - Friday 7:10 am - 2:30 pm

Goals of the Library

Teach students to be successful users of information; encourage students to discover and read a variety of literature; and, provide students, staff, and school families with resources to facilitate and enhance learning.

Teach the following goals of Critical and Creative Thinking:

  • To contribute to the development of "strong sense" critical and creative thinkers;

  • To develop an understanding of how knowledge is created, evaluated, refined and changed within subject areas;

  • To promote both intuitive, imaginative thought and the ability to evaluate ideas, processes, experiences and objects in meaningful contexts;

  • To enable students to think for themselves, to recognize the limits of individual reflection and the need to contribute to and build upon mutual understandings (Sask. Ed., 1990).

Policies of the Library

In addition to a love of reading, we hope to promote individual responsibility through the check-out of books and library resources.  The maximum number of items borrowed at one time is dictated by the grade level. This is to ensure continuous circulation of materials to the greatest number of users.  Books and materials may be returned prior to library class for additional, flexible check out. 

  • Kindergarten: one item 

  • First Grade & Second Grade: two items 

  • Third Grade - Fifth Grade: three items 

Additional books are allowed for classroom projects,
as required by classroom teachers and at librarians' discretion.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Banneker Library Media Center is to develop lifelong learners and readers by:

Providing physical and intellectual access to materials in various forms.

Support teachers and provide them with information and resources to help them foster learning in their classroom. 

Foster a love of reading and literature.

Collaborate with teachers to provide authentic learning experiences.

Common Sense Media

Make Screen Time Safe and Positive

Digital Citizenship Resources for Family Engagement

Support your students' social and emotional learning as they navigate the digital world.