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What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) is a research and evidenced-based practice for creating a common vision of behavioral expectations through consistent language and practices among staff and students. PBIS is a framework of tiered approaches to address ALL the needs of ALL the members of the school community. Cardinal Ridge has operated with PBIS framework from the time of its inception.

How does PBIS impact student success at Cardinal Ridge?
When operating under the PBIS framework, staff will teach, model, and reinforce expectations. Everyone in our school community speaks a common language and understands what is expected. Students having difficulty are supported through a collaborative team approach. Our goal is to keep all students safe and learning in a respectful environment.

How can I obtain additional information about Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports?
For more information about PBIS at CRE, contact Rachel Whitehurst at Email Rachel Whitehurst or Ebony Williams at Email Ebony Williams.

How will PBIS benefit our school?

PBIS offers:

  • A proactive and consistent approach to school-wide discipline which will assist in improved student achievement.

  • The staff the opportunity to be involved in the decision-making process. (Shared leadership approach)

  • Teaches and reinforces appropriate behaviors.

  • Provides data to assess needs and make informed decisions.

  • Provides increased feedback and support to staff.

  • Creates consistent language and expectations across all school areas

How are school decisions made?

  • PBIS involves the entire staff

  • The staff decides what the focus will be

  • The staff decides how to proceed

  • The staff decides what the goals are

  • The staff decides what to do to get there

  • The staff evaluates progress

  • The staff decides whether to keep going or change

What is Loudoun County’s Commitment to PBIS?

  • Coordination across the district

  • Funding

  • On-going coaching support

  • Follow-up training and consultation

  • Evaluation

What is the School’s Commitment?

  • Administrative leadership

  • Staff investment

  • Completion of staff self-assessment survey

  • Completion of an action plan

  • Identification of a coach

  • Monthly team meetings∙

  • Data collection and monthly reporting

Ultimately, PBIS implementation provides a decrease in addressing challenging behaviors, which thereby increases overall instructional time.
Click Here for more information 

Character Traits

Each month the PBIS Team will focus on one Character Trait throughout the school. Each teacher will incorporate it within their classroom and swoops will be given out to students who show the specific character trait during the month.

What Makes a Red Wing SOAR?

**How Will You Soar Today??**

** Soar To Great Heights**

September- Citizenship - Do your best, make responsible decisions, care about others and make positive contributions at school, home and in the community

October-Respect - Take care of oneself, others and our property/surroundings

November- Gratitude - Be thankful and show appreciation for yourself and others.

December- Generosity - Think of ways to give to others selflessly through time, actions and tokens of support.

January- Kindness - Be considerate, thoughtful and helpful towards others. Be polite and demonstrate good manners.

February- Friendship - Demonstrate friendly behavior through teamwork, kindness and respect.

March- Perseverance - Find creative ways to push through challenges and find opportunities to succeed.

April-Trustworthiness - Consistently show honesty, keep your promises, and be reliable (do what you say you will do!)

May-Responsibility - Take ownership for your words, actions and commitments.