LCPS Special Permission Policy

Per Policy 8155, special permission requests to overenrolled schools will not be accepted (with the exception of renewals for middle and high schools filed by March 1st).

Special Permission Reason


Time Frame to Apply

Employee Special Permission

Parent or guardian resides in Loudoun County and is employed full time with Loudoun County Public schools. They would like to have their child attend a school other than their home school.  The parent will provide transportation to and from school. There must be sufficient capacity. Co-curricular employees and substitutes are not eligible to apply early.

First business day of January - April 30 (Note, parents requesting an overenrolled school will need to receive the approval/agreement of the requested school's principal.) New employees may request special permission within 30 days of being hired or transferred.

Special Permission

Parent or guardian would like their child to attend a school with available space outside of the school boundary which serves their current Loudoun residence. The parent will provide transportation to and from school. There must be sufficient capacity.

First business day of February - April 30

A RENEWAL REQUEST to attend the same school student is currently attending on special permission is due by March 1

Family Relocation (Move-In)

Parent or guardian is currently residing in Loudoun County, but is building, buying, or will rent a home where the student will reside during the school year in Loudoun County, and would like their child to start at the school which serves their future residence.  There must be sufficient capacity in the requested school or grade level for elementary-age students.

Year Round* (you will need to register your child at the school that serves your current attendance zone and then fill out a Family Relocation form and provide proof of a pending lease or settlement date which occurs during the school year.

Family Relocation (Move-Out)

Parent or guardian moves out of the school zone (still within Loudoun County) where their student started the school year and would like their child to finish the school year at the same school.  The parent will provide transportation to and from that school. The move must take place during the school year.

ONLY during the current school year until June 1*

CLICK HERE FOR MOVES WHICH OCCUR AFTER 8/22/2024. A copy of a lease, deed or settlement sheet must be provided with application.

If you move during the 2024-2025 school year, and wish for your student(s) to remain at their current school; you must update your address at the school first and then complete a Family Relocation Form for each student.  You must provide a Change of Address Form and Proof of Residency Document (Deed, Settlement Paper Work or Lease) to our office and to the school.  Click on the link which states "Family Relocation AFTER the Start of the School Year" on the left side for more information and forms!

On December 10, 2024, the Loudoun County School Board adopted revisions to Policy8155, School Assignment, which went into effect immediately, replacing previous versions of the policy. Final versions of this policy can be found on the School Board webpage, under "Students: Policy 8155 - School Assignment"  

In Policy 8155, Any parent or legal guardian who is not satisfied by the decision of the school division to their student's reassignment or denial of a request for special permission may appeal the decision to the School Board. The School Board Committee appointed under Policy 2350 is authorized to make exceptions to the policy for good cause.