Dear LCPS Families,
We are writing to you to let you know of pending changes to the Virginia High School League (VHSL) rules that will affect rising 9th-graders next spring. In 2026, rising 9th graders applying to be placed at a school based on special permission for the 2026-2027 school year will potentially be impacted. The potential changes to VHSL rules, being voted on in May, will affect your student’s eligibility to participate in VHSL activities and sports.
Under the current VHSL rule, a first-time ninth-grade student, whether attending a school for which they are zoned based on their address or attending a school through special permission, is eligible to participate in a VHSL activity immediately.
The new VHSL legislation, if adopted in May 2025, would make a student entering the ninth grade for the first time ineligible to participate in VHSL activities at the school they received special permission to attend for 365 days from the date of enrollment. If the proposed VHSL legislation passes in May, it is anticipated to affect students enrolling in school in the Fall of 2026 for the 2026-2027 school year. To reiterate, beginning in the fall of 2026, if your student is newly placed through special permission in 9th grade at a high school, they would NOT be eligible to participate in VHSL activities for 365 days from the date of enrollment.
LCPS is closely monitoring this VHSL legislation. A final decision from VHSL is expected in May 2025. If this update passes, VHSL has proposed implementation in the fall of 2026, affecting students who would be applying for special permission in the winter and spring of 2026 hoping to attend a special permission school in the fall of 2026. LCPS is watching this proposed change very closely and will keep you informed as soon as we know the result of the VHSL vote.
While it is not anticipated that VHSL will recommend this change take effect in the fall of 2025, we are providing this information to our rising 9th-grade families (who may have applied for special permission for the fall of 2025) in the event it may affect planning for multiple students in the family.
Please note that a school special permission placement is different than a placement in a school for a special program. For instance, if a student is assigned to an academic program, the International Baccalaureate or HAMSci programs as examples, they would be immediately eligible for participation in VHSL activities since they would be enrolled in a school based on academic program placement.
Below find the VHSL Handbook rule and the proposed handbook rule change.
Current VHSL Rule Re: Rising 9th Grader
A student entering the eighth grade for the first time becomes immediately eligible in the high school in which he/she enrolls regardless of his or her residence status. A student entering the ninth grade for the first time becomes immediately eligible in the high school in which he/she enrolls regardless of his or her residence status.
Proposed Rule Change:
A student entering the eighth grade for the first time becomes immediately eligible in the high school of the attendance area of the student’s parents or guardians. A student entering the ninth grade for the first time becomes immediately eligible in the high school of the attendance area of the student’s parents or guardians.
For reference:
Natural Transition – promotion from an elementary/junior high/middle school to the 9th grade in a senior high school is considered a Transition, and not a Transfer.
A student entering the 9th grade for the first time by Transition becomes immediately eligible if the student has attended the feeder school for the year before enrolling in 9th grade.
A student, entering the 9th grade for the first time becomes immediately eligible in the high school of the attendance area of the student’s parent or guardians.
A student, entering 9th grade for the first time after being approved to enter an academy or specialty program becomes immediately eligible in the high school providing the academy or specialty program.
Again, LCPS will monitor this VHSL legislation closely and keep you apprised as information becomes available. Please reach out to the activities office if you have questions.