Attendance Reporting
ParentVUE is our primary tool for families to communicate student absences, tardies, and early dismissals for our school.
You will find the Report Attendance function in both the mobile app and web version for all your LCPS students. Note that this function only reports attendance to the front office - teachers will not see any notes submitted through this process.
Detailed instructions on submitting attendance on ParentVue can be found here: Parent Submitted Attendance (ParentVue)
Additional information on the process, including a short video demonstration can be found on the ParentVUE Attendance Options page.
***Please note that all early dismissals must occur prior to 3:00 pm.***
Parent Submitted Attendance Web Version
In your web browser go to website
Click on: I am a parent
Enter your user name and password and click on Login
Once you have logged into ParentVue click on the Report Attendance button for the Student.
Enter the date of the absence, tardy, or early dismissal. The End Date is optional.
Choose the appropriate reason from the Select a Reason dropdown menu (Report Absence, Report Tardy, or Report Dismissal).
Enter a BREIF note. If reporting an early dismissal, enter the dismissal time in this field. All Early Dismissals must occur prior to 3:00pm. (Note: If reporting an absence due to illness, provide detailed symptoms.)
Optional: Upload a note from a physician or other health care provider.
Click Save. The attendance report is submitted to the school for review and processing. If you need to make a change, contact your child's school.
Parent Submitted Attendance App Version
Log into the ParentVUE mobile app.
Tap Report Absence on the banner of the child who will be absent, tardy or have an early dismissal.
Choose a Start Date and End Date (end date is optional).
Choose the appropriate reason from the from the Select Reason dropdown menu (Report Absence, Report Tardy or Report Dismissal).
Enter a BRIEF note. If reporting an early dismissal, enter the dismissal time in this field. All Early Dismissals must occur prior to 3:00pm. (Note: If reporting an absence due to illness, provide detailed symptoms.)
Optional: Upload a note from a physician or other health care provider.
Click Save. The attendance report is submitted to the school for review and processing. If you need to make a change, contact your child's school.