School Counseling
Beliefs Statement
The Eagle Ridge Middle School Counselors believe that...
All students are unique and contribute to the school community through their varied social, ethnic, cultural, racial, and academic backgrounds, experiences, and strengths. All students have the right to access the comprehensive school counseling program. All students can achieve academic success.
Vision Statement
The vision of the Eagle Ridge Middle School comprehensive school counseling program is that all students are productive and contributing citizens who embrace inclusivity and diversity and make meaningful contributions to the world. As socially-emotionally intelligent lifelong learners who possess an array of 21st century skills, they acknowledge and value the contributions of all members of a diverse community as they make a positive impact within a global society.
Mission Statement
The mission of the ERMS school counseling program is to empower all students to become productive citizens who make meaningful contributions to the world.
Through the delivery of a developmental comprehensive school counseling program, the ERMS school counselors will engage in school leadership, advocacy for all students, and collaboration with stakeholders to provide equal opportunity to all students in the creation and achievement of students’ personal goals related to academic, career, and social/emotional development and to ensure a developmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive learning environment in which students are empowered to achieve success at their fullest potential as they become college and career ready citizens within diverse communities who value lifelong learning and personal development as members of a global society.
Eagle Ridge MS Mental Health Team
Eagle Ridge Middle School’s Unified Mental Health Team (UMHT) – comprised of school counselors, psychologist, and social worker – offers mental health services and supports to enhance student social, emotional, and behavioral growth. This team of school-based mental health professionals works with students, families, school staff, and outside providers to promote a positive school environment that supports student success and ability to cope with challenges through direct (e.g., classroom curriculum, group counseling and individual counseling) and indirect (e.g., collaborating or consulting with staff, families or communities) methods.
Counselors listed in student surname assignment order.
Peterson, Tracy - School Counselor - A - Ci
Woullard, Joshua - School Counselor - Cj - I
White, Gretchen - School Counselor - J - Mi
Diamond, Liz - School Counselor - Mj - Sa
Darnell, Kimberly - School Counselor - Sb - Z
Danayer Mann - School Psychologist
Mechiche Alami, Shanna - School Social Worker
Jennifer Hilderbrandt - Family Liaison
Grewal, Jashan - Student Assistance Specialist
Skritol, Christine - School Nurse
Counseling Presentations
Good afternoon ERMS families!
The ERMS School Counseling Department has prepared an Asynchronous Parent Presentation, "Vaping and Juuling in Middle School, Now What?". If you would like to view this presentation, click the link below to access the power point presentation, click on Slide Show. There is a voice over for each slide. If you have any follow-up questions, please feel free to contact Liz Diamond at, ERMS School Counselor or Jashan Grewel at, Student Assistance Specialist.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.