August 29

  • Anatomy club sign up starts Tuesday, September 3rd! There are only 20 spots available, so if you are in 7th grade, are interested in learning about the insides of animals, and don't mind getting a little messy, talk to your science teacher today!

August 27

  • Attention 8th graders- If you are interested in being a library worker, applications are available now in the library. They are due Thursday.

August 26

  • Students and Staff - today we start the even odd roomed dismissals. August is even so even rooms go fist at 3:38. Odd numbered rooms should be held until the 3:39 bell. We switch each month.

August 23

  • All 6th graders who did not exchange their Chromebook yesterday should come to the Computer Room today to pick up your new Chromebook. Attention all new 7th and 8th graders: your Chromebooks are ready for pickup in the Computer Room. Stop by anytime today. Attentions students who still have a loaner from last school year, stop by the Computer Room today to pick up your repaired Chromebook.

August 22

  • Students. WELCOME BACK. We are so glad you have returned. Welcome to our new 6th grade students and all new 7th and 8th graders. You will love it here.
    Teachers - don't forget to complete the lessons at the beginning of each block today. I will be back on the announcements at the end of the day to remind everyone about bus information and how to get home. Have a wonderful DAY.

  • As each of you should be aware, the Commonwealth of Virginia has established that we will begin each school day with one minute of silence. Accordingly, it is important that each of us understands our rights and responsibilities under this law. The words of the law say in part: In order that the right of every pupil to the free exercise of religion be guaranteed within the schools… (and) subject to the least possible pressure from
    the Commonwealth…, the school board of each school division shall establish the daily observance of one minute of silence in each classroom… During… (the) one-minute period of silence…each pupil may, in the exercise of his or her individual choice, meditate, pray, or engage in any other silent activity that does not interfere with, distract, or impede other pupils in the… exercise of (their) individual choice.Thank you for your attention.

  • LCPS centers equity as one of its foundational core values. For our community, equity means being committed to providing a safe, supportive, inclusive, affirming, and respectful environment for each student and staff member that fosters success, growth, and academic rigor. The cultivation of this environment requires us to reject and condemn the use of hate speech, racial slurs, antisemitism, and any action or behavior that discriminates based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, gender expression, socio-economic status, religion, ability, or other cultural identities or expression. Such non-inclusive speech, behavior, and actions do not reflect who we are. We embrace and value the unique identities, backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and needs of each student and employee. Celebrating our diversity is important and helps define us as a school
    division. Demonstrating the courage to address inequities and remove barriers represents an integral part of our collective effort towards excellence in education. Equity is the vehicle that leads to greater access, opportunity, and equality, so that each student is empowered to make meaningful contributions to the world.

  • From the Computer Room: If you dropped off a broken Chromebook last school year and still have a loaner, stop by the Computer Room today with your loaner to pick up your repaired Chromebook. All NEW 8th graders, come to the Aux Gym to pick up your Chromebook starting at 9:00. All NEW 7th graders will need to wait to get your Chromebooks. We will let you know when they are ready, hopefully later today or on Friday.

  • Please bring your completed Summer Reading Bingo sheet to the library to collect your prizes. All forms are due tomorrow - no exceptions! Harmony Library is doing a Student Book Fair Takeover this September. If you are interested in helping with the Scholastic Book Fair, please come to the library and sign up.