Clinic Information
Medical Authorization Form, Asthma Plan, Severe Allergy Plan, and Diabetes Plan
1. Clinic Hours:
There is a Nurse in the clinic daily from 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
2. May children bring medication to school for use during the day?
Loudoun County School Board policy requires a parent or guardian must bring medication to the nurse, health aide, or designee. Students are not permitted to transport any medication (prescription or non-prescription) to or from school.
Loudoun County Public School Authorization For Medication Parent Information
Health clinics in Loudoun County Public Schools are committed to caring for many students' health needs. Parents/Guardian are advised to give medications at home whenever possible. If it is necessary that a medication be given during school hours, the following must be followed:
Medication must be brought to school in the original container with appropriate label intact.
Parent/guardian must bring medication to the nurse, health aide, or designee. Medication will be kept in a locked medicine area of the clinic.
The Nurse/Health Aide must have written instructions from the physician in order to administer prescription medications. These should include
Student's name
Name and purpose of medicine
Dosage and time of administration
Possible side effects and measures to take if those occur
End date for administering the medication
Parent signature gives permission to administer medicine and to contact physician if necessary
Physician's signature
All prescription medicine must be in the original bottle with proper label containing the student's name, medication, dosage, and instructions for administration. If you ask, the pharmacy will give you an extra bottle for liquid or tablets with the proper amount of medicine for school.
Non-prescription medicine:
Must be in an original package with the name of the medicine and instructions.
Must have a signed and dated note or form H6 from the parent regarding when and how much medicine to administer
Will be given according to the amount listed on the package for your child's age and weight unless the doctor's orders on a medication form indicate differently.
Children who have fevers should be kept at home for at least 24 hours after fever subsides.
Be sure to keep the emergency contact phone numbers and information up-to-date so that we can reach you if child is ill or injured.
3. If I fill out a medication form for my child to take medication form at school for the school year, do I need to fill out another for the next school year?
Yes, a new medication form must be filled out every year. A new medication form must also be filled out if there is a change in the dosage or type of medication.
Reminders about medication in school...
Students are not permitted to carry medication to school, prescription or non-prescription.
If your child needs to take medication at school, the medication must be brought in by the parent along with a medication form that is filled out and signed by the parent. If you do not have a medication form you may pick one up in the office, clinic, or download it from the medication forms section of this site.
If your child is taking a prescription medication request a separate bottle be made up for school. This will prevent you from having to transport the medication to school on a daily basis.
Currently there are non-prescription medications on the market that are in the form of lollipops, gum, and freeze pops. These are considered medication and children may not carry them in their backpack or lunch box.
Children who have had fevers should be kept home for at least 24 hours after the fever subsides.
If your child is diagnosed with a strep infection, they must be on antibiotics for 24 hours and fever free for 24 hours before returning to school.
If you are contacted because your child is ill, please be prompt in picking your child up from the clinic.
Make sure that your work phone numbers are current. While voice mail is wonderful for receiving messages, it is not ideal for the school when it is necessary to contact a parent immediately.