Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
A systems approach for establishing a safe and supportive learning environment to promote social, behavioral, and academic success for all students and for developing a common vision, language and practices used consistently across the school to:
improve school climate;
strengthen relationships;
teach and reinforce expectations;
increase positive behaviors, academic achievement, and equitable learning experiences; and
decrease office referrals and suspensions.

Comets will…
Be Courteous
* Respect yourself, others, and school property
* Use good manners
Be Caring
* Be responsible and pay attention.
* Lend a helping hand
Be Cooperative
* Listen and follow directions.
* Work together
PBIS School Matrix (Expectations)

Students will earn compliment cards for showing the word of the month!
Each month, classrooms will work to earn compliment cards. At the end of each month, the classroom in each grade level with the most compliment cards will earn a reward and a "SOARing High" Certificate!
Each month, one class in the entire school is chosen to hold the "SOARing High" Trophy!