
How to Submit an Attendance Notification

We kindly ask that parents report their student's absence, late arrival, or early dismissal by 9:30 AM daily. 

Reporting Options (only choose 1):

  • ParentVue is the preferred method. See below for instructions and video.

  • Calling the Attendance Hotline at 571-252-2842 

Please provide the following information when contacting the school regarding absence, tardy, or early dismissal:

  • full name of the student

  • reason for the absence

  • exact date(s) of the absence

  • name of the parent/guardian

Simpson Middle values good attendance. Regular attendance is essential if students are to benefit fully from the educational opportunities provided for them. Recognizing there are legitimate circumstances that prevent students from being in school, the School Board has provided that principals shall excuse students who are absent because of personal illness, death in the family, medical or dental appointments, court appearances, religious holidays, and certain other circumstances when notification and appropriate documentation has been provided by the parent/guardian.

When a student is absent for all or any portion of the day, the parent or guardian is responsible for notifying the school of the reason and justification for the absence in a timely manner. At the principal’s discretion, a physician’s note may be required to excuse an absence.

Link to LCPS ParentVue Resources

ParentVue Attendance Reporting Tutorial