J. L. Simpson Middle School Bands Supply List 2023-24
8th Grade Concert Band need to bring their instruments to school on Aug. 29.
7th Grade Band Members need to bring instrument, book(s), and supplies to school on Aug. 28 (A Day) or Aug. 29 (B Day).
6th Grade Band Members need to bring instrument, book(s), and supplies to school on Sept. 11 (A Day) or Sept. 12 (B Day).
Student’s names should be on both ends and inside the case. Please use really sticky labels or tape. Replace name labels throughout the year, as needed. Keep a pencil inside the case at all times.
METHOD BOOKS: All method books are provided by LCPS. They have been given to your student during class.
INSTRUMENT SPECIFIC SUPPLIES: Instrument Care Kits come with all needed materials together in one package.
Flute - swab or cleaning cloth, cleaning/tuning rod
Oboe -swab, cork grease, three (3) reeds: 6th grade = soft or med. soft reeds; 7th/8th grade = med soft or med. reeds.
Bassoon - cork grease, swab, three (3) reeds: 6th grade = soft or med. soft reeds; 7th/8th grade = med. soft or med. reeds. (Singin' Dog are my current favorite store bought reeds).
Clarinet -silk swab, mouthpiece brush, cork grease, six (6) reeds: 6th grade = number 2.5 Rico reeds (will upgrade later in year); 7th grade = number 2.5 or 3 Vandoren reeds; 8th grade = number 3 or 3.5 Vandoren reeds. The stock mouthpiece that comes with your clarinet is not conducive to good tone production. Please consider upgrading to a Pyne Poly Crystal, Hite Premier. or Selmer HS*. Email your teacher if you are unsure about your mouthpiece.
Bass Clarinet - silk swab, mouthpiece brush, cork grease, six (6) reeds; number 2.5 Vandoren reeds.
Alto Saxophone -neck strap, swab, mouthpiece brush, cork grease, six (6) reeds; 6th grade = number 2.5 Rico reeds (will upgrade later in year); 7th grade = number 2.5 Vandoren reeds (will upgrade later in year); 8th grade = number 3 or 3.5 Vandoren reeds
Tenor and Baritone Sax - same supplies as Alto Sax. Tenor Sax reeds = number 2.5 Vandoren. Bari Sax = number 2.5 Vandoren.
Trumpet/Cornet, French Horn, Baritone, and Tuba – valve oil, tuning slide grease, “snake” cleaning brush, mouthpiece brush, soft cloth. Tuba players do not need to buy the snake.
JLSMS provides mouthpieces to all who are renting French horns, Baritones, and Tubas from the school system.
Trombone – slide oil or cream, tuning slide grease, “snake” cleaning brush, mouthpiece brush, soft cloth.
Percussion - 6th and 7th Grade: Bell kit with round practice pad, a stand to fit both pad and bells, Vic Firth SD1 General drum sticks, hard mallets. You do not need the kit that comes with the snare drum.
8th Grade Percussion: Stick bag with concert snare sticks, hard mallets, yarn mallets, and timpani mallets.
The bag and all sticks/mallets need to be marked with your name.
8th Grade Percussionists need to have their bell/pad kit at home for practice, but do not need to bring it to school.
8th Grade Calendar

All 8th Grade Band students are required to attend all rehearsals and performances listed on the calendar above
There are a few dates and times that are still listed as “TBD” but those will be filled in as soon as possible and an email will be sent out to notify you of the correction.