Parent Liaison

Helen and Judy started at Potomac Falls HS during the 2015-16 school year, and have been working closely with our families and staff to provide resources and assistance to our students and their families, allowing the students to better focus on their academic needs.  Our mission is to help empower families to secure the resources they need, so their students can succeed at Potomac Falls High School.

Previous to joining PFHS, they were parent liaisons at Potowmack Elementary for over a decade with almost 30 years of combined experience helping Loudoun County public school families.  Some of the programs the Parent Liaisons run at our school include Backpack weekend meals and food assistance, clothing and coats for both cold and warm weather, medical/dental/optical assistance, diapers, holiday meals, school supplies, and more.  

In addition, they help bring speakers and presentations to our school relating to topics of interest to our school community, and hold parent info nights to provide updated school information to our ELL population.  

Mrs. Chang-Lin has 2 children who both attended LCPS schools.  Her daughter graduated from Carnegie Mellon University with a double major in Chemical Engineering, and Engineering and Public Policy. After working in consulting for 4 years, she enrolled in the Ross Business School MBA program at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, graduating in April, 2021. She will return to Deloittle Consulting based out of their Pittsburgh office, in mid-September.   Helen's son was a varsity swimmer at PFHS and in college, and graduated from Cornell University majoring in Information Science in the engineering department in May 2019.  Since graduation, he has been working in the San Francisco area with the software company Workday, and enjoying the wonderful weather. As with most tech company employees, he has been working from home during the pandemic, but finds time to enjoy surfing, hiking and exploring the northern California national parks.

Mrs. Schmid has 3 daughters who graduated from the LCPS system.  Her oldest obtained both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Virginia and is working in the public school system as a Speech Pathologist.  Her middle daughter also graduated from UVA with a multi-disciplinary degree in Fine Arts Management and is currently employed at the National Theatre in DC.  Her youngest is a senior at Virginia Tech working towards her degree in Civil Engineering with a minor in Economics.  Now that Mrs. Schmid is an empty nester, when she isn't working with Potomac Falls' families, she enjoys hiking, scrapbooking, and working on puzzles. 

The parent liaisons can be reached via email at Email Helen Chang or Email Judy Schmid, or by calling our school at 571-434-3200.  They look forward to getting to know more families throughout the year. 

Family Help Request Form: What is a Parent Liaison?

What is a Parent Liaison?

Es un miembro del personal escolar que trabaja para mantener la comunicación entre la escuela y el hogar.  Representa a los padres ayudándolos a obtener la información, ayuda y apoyo que necesiten para asegurar el éxito académico y social de sus hijos en la escuela.

La función principal del Enlace Familiar es la de capacitar a los padres para que participen activamente en la educación de sus hijos.

¿Como puede el “Enlace Familiar” ayudarme?

Los Enlaces Familiares pueden proporcionar varios tipos de ayuda:

  • Necesidades de alimentos, incluyendo comidas para los fines de semana que se envían en mochilas

  • Ayuda de ropa como abrigos, ropa de invierno o de verano, o para eventos especiales como los bailes de “homecoming” y de graduación

  • Asistencia con gafas o lentes, necesidades dentales u otras necesidades de salud, pañales

  • Artículos y útiles escolares

  • Referencias e información sobre agencias de la comunidad

  • Otras necesidades

¿Como puedo contactar a los Enlaces Familiares?

Si desea hablar con un Enlace Familiar o quisiera algún tipo de ayuda por favor llame al 571-434-3200, o escriba al correo electrónico de Email Helen Chang o Email Judy Schmid. O si prefiere, por favor complete el formulario en la parte posterior y envíelo a la escuela.  Se debe enviar un nuevo formulario cada año.