Social Sciences

Department Chair: Joshua C. Nation – Email Joshua Nation




Ms. Abrey

World History I, AP Psychology, CAMPUS

Email Ms. Abrey

Ms. Ali

World History II, US/VA History

Email Ms. Ali

Mrs. Azad

Economics, World History II

Email Mrs. Azad

Mrs. K. Bird

AP World, African American History

Email Mrs. K. Bird

Ms. Carbo

SCA, US/VA History, US/VA Government

Email Ms. Carbo

Mr. M. Daniel

World History II, US/VA Government, PEER

Email Mr. M. Daniel

Mrs. J. Ewald

CAMPUS, Global Social Issues, Psychology, World of Ideas

Email Mrs. J. Ewald

Mr. L. Ewald

AP Human Geography, AP US History

Email Mr. L. Ewald

Mr. Frederick

AP Economics, Economics

Email Mr. Frederick

Mrs. Hoilman

AP Government, AP Psychology, International Relations

Email Mrs. Hoilman

Mr. Hummel

World History I, US/VA History

Email Mr. Hummel

Mr. Jensen

Intro to AP World History, World History II, PEER

Email Mr. Jensen

Mr. Katz

World History I, US/VA Government

Email Mr. Katz

Mr. LeHew

DE US History, US/VA Government

Email Mr. LeHew

Mrs. May

AP Research, SCA, Survey of Latin American History, World History II

Email Mrs. May

Mr. McCauley

World History I, World History II

Email Mr. McCauley

Mr. Nation

AP World History, US/VA History

Email Mr. Nation

Mrs. Painter

Intro to AP World History, World History I

Email Mrs. Painter

Mr. Pelczar

DE US Government

Email Mr. Pelczar