Pinebrook ES Mental Health Team

Pinebrook Elementary School’s Unified Mental Health Team (UMHT) – comprised of school counselors, psychologist, and social worker – offers mental health services and supports to enhance student social, emotional, and behavioral growth. This team of school-based mental health professionals works with students, families, school staff, and outside providers to promote a positive school environment that supports student success and ability to cope with challenges through direct (e.g., classroom curriculum, group counseling and individual counseling) and indirect (e.g., collaborating or consulting with staff, families or communities) methods. 

Jooyeon Chon
Email Jooyeon Chon
School Psychologist

Lisa   Morales Counselor - Grades 4 & 5

Lisa Morales
Email Lisa  Morales
Counselor - Grades 1, 3 & 5

Tory Walker

Tory  Walker
Email Tory  Walker
Counselor - Grades K, 2 & 4

Grace   Charriez School Social Worker

Grace Charriez
Email Grace Charriez
School Social Worker