Volunteer and Visitor Policy at Pinebrook
Requirements for Visiting a School

Be sure to bring a physical copy of a government-issued photo ID with you.
Proceed to the main entrance.
Activate the video intercom.
If you are wearing a face mask, please remove it to confirm your identification.
State your business and present a valid government-issued photo ID.
Office staff will confirm the reason for your visit.
Once confirmed, access will be granted to the atrium.
Activate the intercom, wait for office staff to grant you access and push the door to enter the office.
Check in as required and obtain a visitor’s badge.
Visitor’s badge must be worn at all times during your visit.
At the conclusion of your visit, check out with the office staff and return your visitor’s badge.
Volunteer Policy at Pinebrook
Over the years, Pinebrook has had a great number of parents take time out of their schedules to volunteer throughout the school. Having volunteers is helpful to the staff in many ways, and we appreciate it greatly. In order to protect students’ instructional time, and also for safety reasons, we ask volunteers not to bring other children into the classroom if they are providing classroom and/or instructional support or will be utilizing the staff work room. Looking for ways to volunteer? Contact your child's teacher for opportunities!
Visitor Policy at Pinebrook
Parents may visit for lunch and classroom parties.