Capstone Experience
All seniors are invited to apply for the Senior Capstone, which will take place from May-June of their senior year.
The purpose of the Senior Capstone is to provide graduates of Riverside with meaningful experiences, self-fulfillment, and opportunities for post-secondary success through civic engagement and career exploration.
Email with any questions!
Interested students must complete the following, when they become available:
A. Join the Schoology Course. ALL required Capstone paperwork will be submitted here.
Course Access Code: 33K6-4VNK-QGVJF
B. Carefully Read through the Riverside Capstone Handbook. All of the information that students, parents, community members and faculty sponsors will need is located in this handbook.
C. Complete the Capstone Application Form.
D. Complete and submit all Google Permission Forms.
E. Join the Capstone Remind. Text rvhcap25 to the phone number 81010.