What Family Liaisons Do:
Connect students and families with resources
Contact an interpreter for school personnel and/or a parent
Communicate and refer parent/student needs with administration, school counseling, school social workers and teachers
Refer parents/students to other school personnel as appropriate
Collaborate with PTSO and in-school network of resources for students/families
Contact local/outside of school resource
These are some of the ways she can assist:
Free/reduced breakfast and lunch applications
School supplies
School fee waivers
Sanitary products
Weekend food sourcing
Homecoming / Prom assistance
Loudoun County agency referrals (medical / dental / vision)
Coordinate translator services
Feel free to use the navigation pane on the left to explore information about resources available in the community. If you need help in any of these areas, please call School Counseling at 703-554-8907
All conversations with the Family Liaison are strictly confidential, so do not hesitate to contact her with any questions or concerns you may have.