Virginia Boys/Girls State


Yeah, YOU!

Interested in government?
Want to make a difference in your community and state?
Have strong leadership and character?

·         Virginia Boys State of The American Legion

·         Virginia Girl State

** Apply to be the 2024 Virginia Boys or Girls State candidate!  Highly competitive and motivated JUNIORS are invited to apply for nomination to attend the prestigious Boys or Girls State Programs, sponsored by the American Legion.  This program will be held at Radford University (Boys) in Radford, VA and Longwood University (Girls) in Farmville, VA.  Both programs will be held from June 16-22, 2024.  **

Applications are currently closed, but will open in a few weeks.

Eligibility Qualifications:

High school juniors are nominated by counselors and educators, then selected by local American Legion Posts to attend the program. In most cases, expenses associated with attending this program are paid by a sponsoring American Legion post, a local business, or another community-based organization.

·         Only young men/women who have successfully completed their junior year of high school and have at least one semester of high school remaining, are eligible.

·         Any boy/girl who has previously attended a Boys or Girls State is NOT eligible to attend a second session.

·         Outstanding qualities of leadership, character, scholarship, loyalty and service to their schools and community are considered.

·         The applicant should exhibit an interest in the governmental process.

·         The applicant will have above average scholastic standing.

·         The prospective delegate and their parents must be residents of the state of Virginia.


Selection Process

·         The high school counselor where eligible boys are enrolled, recommends a list of candidates to members of the local American Legion Post. Legionnaires at these posts interview the list of Boys or Girls State candidates.

·         The legionnaires, Virginia Boys/Girls State representatives, select delegates for the next session and verify that all eligibility requirements listed above are met. The final candidates chosen to attend Virginia Boys/Girls State are selected by American Legion posts … not by high schools.

·         Those not selected as primary delegates may become alternates if so designated by the interviewing American Legion post in cases where the primary delegate cannot attend. Alternates must meet all requirements to attend the program

See Ms. Yeh in the Career Center for more details!