Schoology for Parents
Logging into Schoology
Log into ParentVUE and scroll down to the Schoology option at the bottom of the menu bar. It will auto-log you in.
Schoology Navigation
The banner that you see across the top of the screen is your main navigation bar, and is accessible at all times in Schoology.
A parent account in Schoology includes access to your own Schoology account, as well as access to your student’s account(s).
You will be able to toggle to your child(ren)'s account to see their courses and information. You can see which account you are currently viewing by looking at the name displayed in the top right of your screen.
Click the LCPS logo to go to the Home screen
View courses in which you or your student(s) are enrolled
View groups of which you or your student(s) are a member
View your Resources (Resources are files or items stored for your own use or accessible through your groups or schools)
View Grades or a Grade Report for your student(s)
Search for users or groups
View a calendar of upcoming events or assignments
Send or view messages
View notifications
Toggle between your account or your student(s)' account.
Accessing Your Student's Courses
Method #1:
Click on your name in the top right hand corner
Choose your student
Click on a course to navigate to its main page.
Method #2:
Click on your name in the top right hand corner
Choose your student
Click on Courses in the top banner
Choose a course to navigate to its main page
You can easily navigate between courses using this method.
Phoenix(ParentVue) and Schoology
It's important to remember that Phoenix(ParentVue) is the offical grade book of record for Loudoun County Public Schools.
Assignments completed in Schoology may or may not be included in Phoenix(ParentVue) and be used to determine a student's grade in a course.
You can view your child's official progress throughout each quarter in the Grade Book through your ParentVue account.
Assignments in Schoology
Assignments can be viewed in the Upcoming panel on the right sidebar of the Schoology course.
Parents can view status, scores (when applicable), or comments left by the student and teacyher on assignments, updates, or discussion prompts.
Parents can also see the work that has been submitted by their student.
Scores in Schoology
Parents can also view completion status, scores (when applicable), and or comments left by the teacher on assignments, updates, or discussion prompts from the Grades section of Schoology (accessed from the left-hand menu in a course).
Parents have a personal Schoology calendar and access to view their student's caldendars. This can be accessed by clicking on the Calendar icon on the banner.
Notifications - Personal
Found in Settings (in the drop down under your name), you can customize your personal notification settings.
Notifications are sent to the email addres affiliated with your ParentVue account.
You can also activate notifications via text message from this page.
Notifications - Student
You are able to opt into receive notifications for each student associated with your account.
You can elect to receive a daily or weekly email digest, and you can elect to receive notifications if an item is overdue on your student's account.
Communication with Teachers
From the Message Center:
You can communicate directly from the message center if you know the name of the person you would like to contact. Just select the Message icon and enter who you would like to message, a subject line, and the message. To finish, hit send.
From Your Student's Course:
You send a message to the Admin(s) of your student’s course by clicking into their course.
The name of the Admin(s) is/are on the right hand panel of the course.