Family Liaison

Dear Wild Cat Families,

My name is Gladys Palomino, and I am your Family Liaison at Steuart Weller Elementary School. I work to bridge the gap between home and school by helping parents get the information and support they need to ensure their child's academic and social success. I am happy to help you navigate your path through the Loudoun County Public School system. We strive to make sure that each student has the necessary resources to help them achieve their best. In this everchanging economic climate, sometimes we find ourselves in need of outside resources and assistance. The Family Liaison is here to help and share the many available resources that our community provides. All our conversations are strictly confidential, so don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

How Can I Get in Touch with The Family Liaison?

You can schedule an appointment by email (Monday to Friday).

To Request Assistance:

Please fill out the 2024-2025 Family Assistance Form if you would like assistance:

If you need to apply for the Free and Reduce Meals at school (FARM), please fill out the form:

Ways Your Family Liaison Can Help:

* Providing information and responding your questions about school activities and school system to help you get involved in your child’s education (Parent VUE, Schoology, After School Programs, school expectations, volunteering in school, etc.)

*Assisting to apply for FARM (Free and Reduced Meals), Backpack Buddies (food for the weekends), and McKinney- Vento Programs (Homeless or Insecure Housing).

* Arranging for interpreters for Parent- Teacher Conferences.

* Helping with sources like school supplies, books, backpack food, clothing, and other items.

*Providing tutoring resources.

* Providing information and referrals to community resources like health and dental care, glasses, diapers, housing, food pantries, and more.

* Helping with financial needs for school items like field trip expenses, spirit wear, music instruments, PTO programs and others.

* Providing information about Adult Education /English Learners.