How Does Library Work?
Each class visits the library each week on a specific day. One week students will have a 50-minute lesson & checkout time. The following week, students will have a 10-15 minute checkout time only. Make sure you know which day is your child's library day so you can help them return on this day every week in order to get new books.
During the first month of library, all classes go through a Library Orientation. They will learn how to find books in the library, check out books, return books, organization of the library, routines of library class, and the rules and expectations.
Student Checkout
Students can checkout a book anytime! At the SWES Library, we have open checkout from 7:10-2:00. Students can simply ask their classroom teacher for permission to come to the library. Students will also have the opportunity to checkout each week during their regular scheduled library class.
Number of Books Each Grade Can Checkout at One Time:
K: 1 Book
1st & 2nd: 2 Books
3rd-5th: 3 Books
Book Return
Circulation time for a book is 2 weeks. At the 2 week mark, the book needs to be returned (or renewed). To return a book, students have 2 options.
Return to the special library bin in their classroom which will be placed in the hallway every morning for our library helpers to collect.
If the student immediately wants to get a new book, they will need to walk the book to the library and place it in the library "Book Drop" located at the circulation desk and then they can browse for a new one to checkout!
Renewing a Book
Students have the option to RENEW a book. If it has been 2 weeks and the book is due back but the student wants to continue to read it, they simply must walk it back to the library and check it out again. They can do this during their regular library time or outside of their library time by asking their teacher for permission.
Common Sense Education
We are using a curriculum through Common Sense Education to ensure our students have the skills and knowledge to make smart, responsible, respectful, and safe choices when they are online. We will be covering topics ranging from cyberbullying to respecting creative use. Students will participate in fun, engaging, technology centered lessons. Below you will find some helpful information as you set ground rules in your family about their online activities as well as reinforcing the lessons we are teaching your children to keep them safe online as well as hold them accountable to be responsible and respectful in their online community as they are in their offline communities.
Virginia Readers Choice
All books nominated at the primary level will be read to all K-2 students during the second quarter. Each class will be given the opportunity to vote for their favorite picture book when all books have been read.
Third through fifth graders are encouraged to read at least 4 of the books at the Elementary level in order to participate in voting which will take place at the end of March. We have 2-3 copies of each of these books available at our library as well as some available on MackinVIA as eBooks. You can also find these books at the public library.
I run 3 book clubs throughout the year using these books that 4th and 5th graders have the opportunity to participate in and meet the author through a Skype visit at the end of each book club. Tell them to listen carefully on the morning news show to hear the announcement for these clubs.
Click here to see a list of the nominated titles for the 2024-2025 school year as well as past winners! These are great books to go back and read.