Health Office

Important Health Tips for Parents
Raising children is exciting and scary and fun and terrifying all at the same time. Here we hope to help you navigate through different health concerns that may pop up throughout the elementary and pre teen years.
Does my child have the Flu? (In English and Spanish)
Recognizing and Understanding Eating Disorders
Recognizing and Understanding Eating Disorders, in Spanish
Children entering 6th grade need a Tdap vaccination to begin school
Check your child’s immunization record to see if they have had this immunization
If not, they need to receive the vaccine before school starts on August 23, 2018!
The Loudoun County Health Department (703-777-0236) will be offering Tdap appointments all summer. Please call for a date and time that works for you; we can evaluate your child’s vaccination needs and give recommended vaccines.
Loudoun County Public Schools requires a new physician’s order/care plan each school year for the medication or specialized care which your child receives at school. If your child will continue to need medication or specialized health care at school, you and your child’s physician must complete and sign the proper form(s). Please note that parents may not amend the physician’s order for managing the child’s medical condition.
The required forms are available in the health office at your child’s school or online at Click on the “Parents” tab and the forms will be found under Medication at School—For Parents. The forms should be returned, along with the appropriate medication, the week before school starts to the Loudoun County Public School that your child will be attending. Please refer to the “Medication at School Guidelines” enclosed for further information regarding medication at school.
All Over-the-Counter and Prescription Medications require the Medication Authorization form to be completed. Below is a list of other health conditions with information about the required medical form:
Please review and have completed all pages of the Action Plans.
The plan will not be accepted if incomplete.
Medical Condition
Severe Allergy and Epinephrine auto-injector
Asthma with Inhaler and/or Nebulizer
Current Medical Procedures, i.e. tube feeding, catheterizations
New Health Concerns or Medical Procedures
Parents must transport all medication to and from school. We ask that you bring in your child’s medications with the appropriate paperwork the week before school starts. This allows the health office staff to organize/distribute paperwork and helps to promote a safe, healthy environment for all students when they arrive the first day.
This information is being sent to you at the beginning of the summer in order for you to have sufficient time to have your physician complete his/her section of the forms prior to the beginning of the next school year. All public schools in Loudoun County require that appropriate physician’s order forms be on file prior to clinic staff accepting and dispensing prescription medication, providing specialized health care at school, or allowing students to carry epinephrine or an inhaler.
If additional forms are needed, please contact the school. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Christin Costello, LPN, HCS
Health Clinic Specialist
Allergy Awareness
Arcola Elementary School, for the safety of all our students, practices an "awareness" policy.
Parents with students with allergies need to communicate any procedures/concerns with the health services office. All medical forms/procedures/medications need to be on file in the health services office. For complete information please click on this link for all LCPS policies regarding allergies.