Gifted & Talented Education
The Gifted Education Resource Teacher at Ashburn Elementary facilitates gifted education instruction with 4 separate programs designed by LCPS.
The following LCPS Gifted and Talented Education Programs are in use at Ashburn Elementary School and detailed descriptions can be found below, organized by grade level. Additionally, the classroom teacher facilitates learning for a wide range of learners within the classroom.
The LCPS gifted education programs are:
-GT Gia Fusion
-GT Dci Math And/or Gt Dci Ela
Click here for video overview of Gifted Education Programs School Year 23-24: SY 23-24 Gifted Elementary Programs (for families)
Grade levels K,1,2,3: SEARCH Program
(Seeking Educational Activities to Reach & Challenge Higher Level Thinking Skills)
The Gifted Education teacher models lessons to ALL students in grades K-3, in the classroom setting on a whole group basis. The SEARCH lessons are designed to foster an environment that encourages students to think, take intellectual risks, and develop an excitement for learning and discovery across a variety of thinking skills. The SEARCH curriculum is problem-solving based and founded upon gifted education research. The curriculum spirals developmentally through five components: reasoning, perceiving, connecting, evaluating, and creating. Each grade level learns about each component at increasingly more complex and abstract levels. The class occurs in the student's classroom on a roughly, twice-a-month basis. The lesson activities are not graded in K, 1, or 2nd grade classrooms. Spring of grade 3 requires some student work to be collected for portfolio samples for the identification of gifted services in later grades.
Grade levels 4,5 (small group): GT: GIA FUSION program
(General Intellectual Ability/FUSION)
Formally identified gifted education, 4th and 5th grade students receive 1 GT math enrichment lesson,1 GT language arts enrichment lesson and 1 FUSION conceptual lesson, per week, at school. The school-based, collaborative GIA FUSION program is the model for delivering gifted services for formally identified 4th and 5th grade gifted learners. GT: GIA FUSION gifted learners meet in the gifted education classroom, once a week, for an extended, FUSION conceptual lesson in order to collaborate on a variety of challenging, project-based learning activities designed to integrate real-world problem-solving, connective thinking and the five C's of 21st century learning: Critical Thinking, Creative Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Contribution. GT: GIA students also attend one GT math and one GT language arts lesson per week, with the GT teacher, to enrich their understanding of academic-specific standards. These students are formally identified by the county at the end of grade 3.
Grade levels 4,5 (small group): GT: DCI Math &/or ELA
(Differentiated Curriculum Instruction in math or language arts)
GT: DCI Math &/or ELA (language arts) students attend one GT math and/or GT language arts lesson per week, with the GT teacher, to challenge and enrich their understanding of an academic-specific domain. The gifted resource teacher will meet weekly with GT: DCI students to provide enrichment via deeper learning, rigor, and hands-on, project-based learning. These students are formally identified by the county at the end of grade 3.
Grade levels 1, 2, 3: EDGE program
(Empowering Diversity through Gifted Education)
The EDGE program is designed to nurture and challenge students with advanced academic potential from groups historically underrepresented in LCPS advanced academic and gifted programs. The program provides additional academic challenges for students designed to develop students' individual potential. Classroom teachers and gifted education resource teachers work together to nurture academic potential in young learners and prepare them for more challenging and rigorous academic pathways. This program does not necessarily lead to a gifted education designation for future grade levels for the student, but is there to nurture and challenge the student.
Eligibility Updates and Timelines
January 2024 update:
The following information will be sent to ALL gr 3,4 and 5 LCPS parents in January 9, 2024 email to parents from the LCPS Gifted Education office.
Parents of grade 4 & 5 students only: FINAL Parent Referral Window for the 23-24 school year is Jan. 2, 2024 through Jan. 26, 2024. January 26 is a hard deadline and a hard copy of the Permission to Test (grades 4 & 5 only) needs to be turned in to the GT teacher and signed if you would like to refer your child for further GT evaluation. The form you will need to print can be found on the LCPS website -search for gifted education; notifications tab. The LCPS Gifted Education Office has developed a video to share information about this year’s spring gifted evaluation cycle for students in grades 4 and 5. You may visit the LCPS Gifted and Talented webpage to view the video. Click the “Notifications” tab to locate the video.The spring gifted evaluation cycle identifies students who demonstrate a need for gifted services for the 2024-2025 school year. Parents/guardians of students in grades 4-5, who were not evaluated in the fall of 2023, may request an evaluation by submitting a “Permission to Evaluate” form to the gifted resource teacher at their child’s school. The window to submit the form is January 2-26, 2024. Forms will not be accepted after this window closes.
*Note for Current gr4 or 5 Parents of GT: DCI Math/Language Arts students:
GT: DCI Math/Language Arts is an elementary gifted education program and concludes at the end of 5th grade, so parents/guardians of current 5th grade DCI students (who were not evaluated in the fall2023), should be sure to view the video to learn about the spring evaluation process for gifted services in middle school. After viewing the video, if you decide that you would like your child evaluated for gifted services in middle school (SPECTRUM program), please send in a “Permission to Evaluate” form to the gifted resource teacher at your child’s school. Students may only be evaluated for gifted services once per academic year. Students who were evaluated for gifted services during the fall 2023 cycle can only be reevaluated next school year (Fall 2024-2025).
Parents of grade 3 students only: The LCPS Gifted Education Office has developed a video to share information about this year’s spring gifted evaluation cycle for 3rd grade students. You may visit the LCPS Gifted and Talented webpage to view the video. Click the “Notifications” tab to locate the video. The spring gifted evaluation cycle identifies students who demonstrate a need for gifted services for the 2024-2025 school year. All 3rd grade students are evaluated for gifted services as part of the LCPS universal evaluation process. Parents of grade 3 students should not submit referrals because universal screening occurs for all grade 3 students automatically unless an opt-out form is submitted. Families may opt out of this process by completing the Opt-Out form and returning it to the gifted resource teacher at their child’s school by January 26, 2024. The Opt-Out form can be located on the LCPS Gifted & Talented webpage. Parents of grade K,1,& 2 students only: If your child is in grades K, 1, or 2, please read the program descriptions on the overview page which are specific to these grade levels.
December 2023 update:
Final Parent Referral Window for the 23-24 school year (for only parents of gr4 and gr5 students): Jan. 2, 2024 through Jan. 26, 2024. January 26 is a hard deadline and hard COPIES of the Permission to Test (grades 4 & 5 only) need turned in to the GT teacher and signed. The form you will need to print can be found on the LCPS website under a search for gifted education, notifications tab. Please see below for further details about the process. If your child is in grades K, 1, 2, 3, please read the program descriptions and procedures on these pages, which are specific to certain grade levels. Parents of grade 3 students should not submit referrals because universal screening occurs for all grade 3 students automatically unless an opt-out form is submitted.
Eligibility Procedures for year 23-24:
Grade level: 3rd - Gifted Eligibility Procedures
Click here: 23-24 Gifted Evaluation Process (students grades 3,4,5)
Timeline: grade 2 through the end of grade 3
Parent Referral: NO ACTION NEEDED or referral needed for grade 3 parents. Universal screening is conducted. All grade 3 students will automatically be screened for gifted services. Those services would begin in grade 4 if a child is found eligible. Parents are notified in June of grade 3 if their child is found eligible and permission is sought at that time.
All third-graders receive gifted education lessons in SEARCH class (-see “Overview” page on this website for the program description) on a bi-weekly basis, in the regular education classroom. Gr3 TALENT DEVELOPMENT lessons are presented in SEARCH class, which provide students with exposure to the types of tasks that are included in the gifted portfolio assessments in the spring. Gifted portfolio lessons (in-school work samples) are taught during SEARCH lessons and collected. These portfolio pieces are used in the third grade evaluation in spring.
Gifted education eligibility and evaluation takes place in the spring of 3rd grade. The student's MAP, CogAT, and Portfolio work samples are evaluated by an LCPS committee. The CogAT is administered in the fall/spring by the classroom teacher in grade 2. All information about CogAT can be found in ParentVue under Test History. The GT Department uses the scores for the third grade evaluation in the spring. MAP (Math and Reading) assessments will be administered by the classroom teacher. All information about the MAP tests will be shared by your child's teacher. The GT Department uses the scores for the third grade evaluation in the spring. Notification of eligibility status will be sent in June by the LCPS Gifted Supervisor, Wendy King. Parent permission is sought before services begin in fall of grade 4.
Grade level:4th-Gifted Eligibility Procedures for GT: GIA FUSION or GT:DCI Math/ELA:
Click here: 23-24 Gifted Evaluation Process (students grades 3,4,5)
Timeline/Deadlines: Sept. 11-29, 2023 or Jan. 2-26, 2024. Deadlines are hard and no other eligibility referrals will be offered other than those stated above. There is a 1-year calendar limit on referrals.
Parent Referral as follows:
New to LCPS parents - Parents should contact the GT teacher to go over their child’s progress and more information will be provided. There is no GT reciprocity between school systems elsewhere.
Current parents of LCPS students - parents should contact the GT teacher to go over their child’s data and evidence concerning previous ineligibility in grade 3. More information will be provided. Current LCPS grade 4 students who were LCPS students in grade 3, cannot be reevaluated until January 2024. There is a 1-year calendar limit on referrals.
Grade level: 5th-Gifted Eligibility Procedures for GT: GIA FUSION or GT:DCI Math/ELA:
Click here: 23-24 Gifted Evaluation Process (students grades 3,4,5)
Timeline/Deadlines: Sept. 11-29., 2023 or Jan. 2-26, 2024. Deadlines are hard and no other eligibility referrals will be offered other than those stated above.
Parent Referral as follows:
New to LCPS parents - Parents should contact the GT teacher to go over their child’s progress and more information will be provided. There is no GT reciprocity between school systems elsewhere.
Current parents of LCPS students - Parents should contact the GT teacher to go over their child’s data and evidence concerning previous ineligibility in grade 3 or grade 4. More information will be provided.
Enrichment Resources
The best enrichment is a commitment to the time needed to explore new topics and new places. Give your child the gift of time to play outdoors, explore museums, enjoy UNSTRUCTURED time, and ask questions. Read together and PLAY with blocks, puzzles, and board games. The following digital links are provided for enrichment purposes only and are not an advertisement or endorsement by LCPS. All responsibility for inquiries, applications, and/or participation is solely that of parents or guardians.
Camps/In-person Enrichment:
Johns Hopkins University (Talent Development)
Digital Enrichment:
Mensa for Kids A variety of intellectual challenges from Mensa For Kids.
Math Playground Math Playground provides your child with numerous mathematical challenges.
PBS Kids Cyberchase allows your child to experience various mathematical and science concepts through entertaining videos and games.
Set Game SET is a highly addictive, original game of visual perception; a fascinating challenge for either solitaire or competitive play.
Ken Ken KenKen is a puzzle game that helps student improve their calculation skills, logical thinking and persistence.
Word Central Merriam-Webster's Word Central offers kids a student dictionary, Daily Buzzword, and interactive word games.
FunTrivia Kids of all ages will enjoy the fun trivia and quizzes.
Interactive Brain Teasers This site offers a variety of interactive challenges for all levels!