Media Room

Media Protocols

Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS) recognizes the important role the media plays in reporting news and information about its educational programs, services, students and employees. LCPS keeps the community informed through various channels and the media to provide open communication about the Division’s student and business stories.   

This page delineates some of LCPS’ communication vehicles, with an in-depth look at the Division’s dealings with the media, as well as publications and announcements regarding the accomplishments and honors of the LCPS student body. The Division’s Department of Communications and Community Engagement (DCE) assists the media by providing information about LCPS in an accurate and timely manner. The DCE values its longstanding partnership with the media, and this guide serves as a tool to support media partners.

Information Sources for Loudoun County Public Schools

NEWSROOM (Archived media releases)

Website page to be created

Follow LCPS on Social Media

Helpful Links

Archived Media Releases

Media Access to Schools

Access to LCPS Property by News Media

  1. Media should contact the Communications and Community Engagement Office at 571-252-1040 or via email before coming to a Loudoun County Public Schools property.

  2. Media members will not be permitted to film or otherwise engage with students or staff on LCPS property without specific permission from the administrator overseeing the property and/or the Communications and Community Engagement Office.

    • If granted permission, the administrator/CCO should contact the LCPS Division of Safety and Security’s Security Operations Center (SOC) to make Safety & Security aware. 

  3. The Communications and Community Engagement Office will act as an intermediary between the media and the building administrator.

  4. Media may film a school from the state right-of-way, which is defined as 15 feet from the median of the roadway. This area includes sidewalks. 

  5. Media authorized to be on school property are not permitted to film students, disrupt learning activities, or otherwise impede students and staff during the school day without permission from the administrator overseeing the property.  

  6. Media may not conduct interviews in the kiss-and-go areas or entrances or exits to the school campus during arrival or dismissal. This could impede traffic.   

  7. Media credentials obtained for LCPS meetings and events are specific to that meeting or event. They do not give the media unlimited access to LCPS properties.

  8. If a media outlet is filming outside of business hours (5 p.m. - 8 a.m.) the same guidance above applies. 

  9. Should the LCPS SOC receive a request outside of business hours, the guidance above still applies. Without specific permission, media must remain in the state right of way, whether the building is open or not.  

ELECTION DAY COVERAGE: All LCPS buildings are CLOSED on election day each year. Any schools used as polling locations are listed with the Virginia Department of Elections. All media inquiries for coverage at polling sites should go through the Virginia Department of Elections media office.