
LCPS Electronic Flyer Distribution Practices

To reduce the number of papers sent home with students or mailed to families, LCPS distributes electronic flyers (eflyers) via a web-based platform called Peachjar. These eflyers may be sent by schools to their students’ families or they may be sent by the Department of Communications and Community Engagement, which, in addition to sending to families and guardians at specific schools, can send eflyers to LCPS staff or families division-wide or to multiple select schools.

Distribution of eflyers is governed by Loudoun County School Board regulation 2510-REG, Distribution of Electronic Flyers, which was reviewed and endorsed by the Loudoun County School Board when the regulation was created in 2020 and then when it was revised in 2022.

Eflyers submitted by non-LCPS organizations must include the disclaimer: "This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by Loudoun County Public Schools."

Qualifying Community Organizations

The following groups are eligible to distribute eflyers through the eflyer distribution system provided they do not contain prohibited subject matters: 

  1. LCPS and LCPS schools, including charter schools, school parent-teacher associations/organizations or booster clubs, curricular and non-curricular student clubs/activities sponsored by the school and Loudoun County School Board Advisory Committees. (LCPS parent groups should contact the sponsoring school’s principal for information about distributing eflyers to their school community.)

  2. Federal, Commonwealth of Virginia, and local governmental units within Loudoun County. 

  3. Youth athletic organizations registered with the Virginia State Corporation Commission or the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a nonprofit. 

  4. Youth development nonprofit organizations with offices in Loudoun or Fairfax Counties registered as nonprofits with the Virginia State Corporation Commission or the IRS. 

  5. Nonprofit cultural arts organizations offering youth-focused learning opportunities or performances. 

  6. Private nonprofit K12-focused educational organizations. 

  7. Nonprofit childcare providers. 

  8. Colleges and universities offering K12-focused educational opportunities. 

Distribution Schedule

Schools are required to ensure that eflyers comply with LCPS’ Distribution of Electronic Flyer regulation.

Eflyers uploaded by schools and by the Department of Communications and Community Engagement distributes eflyers on the following schedule:

  • Tuesdays: Eflyers from LCPS Central Offices are distributed on this day. Eflyers for Tuesday distribution must be submitted by noon on the Monday previous.

  • Fridays: On this day, approved eflyers from qualifying community nonprofit organizations are distributed. Eflyers for Friday distribution must be submitted by noon on Thursday previous.

During the 2024/25 school year, the Department of Communications and Community Engagement will not load or approve flyers for circulation on the following dates:

  • Friday, Nov. 29, 2024

  • Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2024

  • Friday, Dec. 27, 2024

  • Tuesday, Dec. 31, 2024

  • Friday, Jan. 3, 2025

  • Friday, April 18, 2025

Best Practices

  • Flyers must be a PDF and must be 8.5 x 11 inches.

  • Flyers may not include copyrighted materials.

  • Only eflyers from LCPS schools, departments or advisory committees can include the LCPS or school logos.

  • Flyers must be submitted to the Department of Communications and Community Engagement by noon on Monday for Tuesday distribution or noon on Thursday for Friday distribution.

  • If eflyers are submitted in multiple languages, please ensure they are submitted either on one page with information in all desired languages or as one file, i.e., an English language flyer and a Spanish flyer in one PDF file. Either of these formats makes it easier for the reader and the submitter.

  • When a flyer is submitted to the Department of Communications and Community Engagement, the audience for the flyer must be indicated. Eflyers can be sent to LCPS staff, all LCPS students, families or guardians with children in specific grades or any combination of those audiences.

  • Flyers submitted by outside organizations must include the disclaimer: "This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by Loudoun County Public Schools."

Submitting Eflyers

Organizations that submit eflyers to Peachjar for distribution to LCPS families are charged a fee by Peachjar. LCPS does not receive these fees. Organizations that wish to submit eflyers need to follow the steps listed below:

1.      Before submitting your eflyer for district approval, review LCPS’ Distribution of Electronic Flyers regulation, then follow the submission steps below. LCPS reserves the right to reject eflyers that do not comply with LCPS’ guidance regarding electronic flyer distribution.

2.      Register your account as a Community Organization on Peachjar

3.      Review Peachjar’s Guide for Community Organizations for information about discount pricing, flyer creation tips, and more

4.      Go to ‘Post & Notify’ in your account to submit a flyer

After you press the “Submit” button, your eflyer will be automatically submitted to the district for approval. Once approved, your eflyer will be emailed to parents and posted on each school’s web flyerboard for your selected duration of time. For more information on the process or pricing, please email Peachjar Support or call 858-997-2117.