Your community, your conversation...

We value your input and believe that communication is essential to creating a strong and inclusive school community. That's why we're committed to engaging with you on our community-facing projects, from improving facilities to enhancing curriculum and beyond. Together, we can shape the future of our division and ensure every student's success. 

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Themes from the Community Listening Sessions

Superintendent Spence hosted 19 community listening sessions over his first eight months at LCPS. From those sessions, important themes emerged from the public and staff. We heard about some concerns or areas for improvement, as well as some hopes and dreams for students, staff and our learning community.  

View the ThoughtExchange Themes from the Community Listening Sessions

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Loudoun County Public Schools Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations

The Blue Ribbon Panel recommendations were presented to the School Board on May 14, 2024. That presentation can be found in BoardDocs- Blue Ribbon Panel.  

View the ThoughtExchange Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations Results.

The Blue Ribbon Panel (the Panel) was convened from December 8, 2023, to May 1, 2024 by Superintendent Dr. Aaron Spence to assess safety processes and protocols in Loudoun County Public Schools. The Panel’s assessment of LCPS’ safety and security recognized LCPS as a state and national leader in the field of school security. After careful evaluation, this panel of experts also identified 11 recommendations that could potentially enhance security in LCPS. 

We asked for feedback on the recommendations made by the Blue Ribbon Panel on School Safety. The recommendations are included in the Loudoun County Public Schools Blue Ribbon Panel Recommendations article.

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Website 2024 Feedback

The Website Design Feedback Report results show a need for improved search features and a single, consolidated and streamlined resource for division and school information.

View the ThoughtExchange Website 2024 Feedback Results.

LCPS gathered feedback and information on what users wish to see on the division and school websites including what is working well and what could be added to enhance user experience.