Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports: A systems approach for establishing a safe and supportive learning environment to promote social, behavioral, and academic success for all students and for developing a common vision, language and practices used consistently across the school to:
1. improve school climate;
2. strengthen relationships;
3. teach and reinforce expectations;
4. increase positive behaviors, academic achievement and equitable learning experiences; and
5. decrease office referrals and suspensions.
For more information and resources, visit LCPS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support
What are Frederick Douglass Elementary School's PBIS behavior expectations?
Self Management
Teamwork and Relationships
Responsible Decision Making
Staff Show Stars
See our full PBIS Matrix below
House System "Five Houses, One Family"
At Frederick Douglass Elementary, we use a house system to build school community and relationships across classes and grade levels. Every student and staff member belongs to a house. Students and staff remain in their house for the duraion of thier time at Frederick Douglass. Students earn points for their house by showing the PBIS expected behaviors. One house is the winner each month and quarter. At the end of the school year, one house wins the house cup!
There are five houses, each representing a core value at FDES
Antares, house of leadership
Centauri, house of creativity
Polaris, house of positivity
Sirius, house of harmony
Vega, house of integrity