Ashley Harper, Lead Counselor & Counselor for Special Education

Students can click here to send a request to see Mrs. Harper: Request to See Mrs. Harper 

This link is also on the students LCPSgo page.

Welcome to another year at Harper Park!  We are going to work fantastically as partners to navigate this wonderful land of middle school! The School Counseling Department is energized, excited and ready to support you and your kids! This is Mrs. Harper's 23rd  year as a Middle School Counselor and still loves coming to work each day! Mrs. Harper is on the Advisory Team and thus has the awesome opportunity to help create the daily Social Emotional Learning lessons the kids will receive during their Advisory class each morning this year!  Mrs. Harper is part of the Administrative Team, Unified Mental Health Team, Tier 3 Team, MTSS Team, Student Support Team, as well as the coordinator for all of the parent workshops presented by the Unified Mental Health Team. Mrs. Harper serves as the Lead Counselor at Harper Park, and has a portion of students in each grade level on her caseload!

Mrs. Harper will be working closely with the other counselors, our School Social Worker, School Psychologist and other key mental health support folks, to continue our support and prevention services at Harper Park.  We will be meeting on a regular basis as a Unified Mental Health Team to create new programs, as well as improve our already existing mental health services.  

Mrs. Harper is available to see students individually, conduct small counseling groups, deliver classroom lessons on certain topics, talk with parents, facilitate parent/teacher conferences, and much more! Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns! 

There are several ways you can get in touch with Mrs. Harper

Email her:

Call the main school number: 571-252-2820

Follow her on Twitter: @Ashharper9333

Follow the Unified Mental Health Team @ HPMS_UMHT on both Twitter and Instagram