Social Studies

The Social Sciences Classes at Harper Park Middle School
6th Grade U.S. History to 1865
Welcome to 6th Grade History!
US History to 1865
Please visit each teacher's staff page:
Lynne Avdellas
Alison Figi
7th Grade U.S. History 1865 to Present
Marc Ashby
Natalie Pietrowski
8th Grade Civics and Economics
Welcome to 8th Grade Civics and Economics at Harper Park Middle School!
In 8th grade, students in Loudoun County are required to take Civics and Economics as their Social Science and Global Studies course. As they will learn, Civics is more than just the study of our government. Civics is also about being a good citizen. A good citizen sacrifices personal reward and gain for the good of the community. A good citizen is trustworthy and honest, empathetic and kind. A good citizen recognizes that an educated citizenry is the best way to ensure the gift of democracy for future generations. A good citizen does what is right when no one is around. A good citizen sets the example to other students and citizens by living these character traits, not just learning them. We hope that all our students will acquire these traits as they participate in our classrooms here are Harper Park. Economics, or the study of how our country chooses to use and manage its resources, will be studied during the second part of the course. During economics, students will get a brief overview of how the FED and federal government make decisions about our monetary system as well as how our spending or the inability to spend, impacts the US Economy. The final concepts of economics involves making positive choices and self-assessments for choosing a career.
Civics Teachers:
Jean Austin
Eric Penka
Civics Supplies:
The required Civics Notebook is provided and will be distributed during the first few days of school.
A pocket folder may be helpful for returned papers.
Civics Support:
All three civics teachers present the same content on the same day. If your child needs help, he or she can come to any of us.
Please also check Schoology to find class notes and other supporting resource links like Quizizz and Quizlet
We are looking forward to a great year!