Bullying Prevention at Harper Park

At HPMS we take bullying prevention seriously.  We know that bullying can and will occur, but we take many steps to make sure we prevent as much as possible.  Here are some of the things that go on at Harper Park to help stop bullying.

How to Report Bullying/Mistreatment

Students or parents can report an act of mistreatment via our online portal, which is on the right-hand side of the main Harper Park School Website.  It can also be found here: Report Mistreatment Here

Students and/or parents can reach out to any member of the UMHT or Administrative Team to talk about anything that they have experienced or witnessed. 


LCPS Bullying Prevention and Education Policy 

HPMS Administrative Contact for Bullying Prevention/Response:  571-252-2820

Classroom Counseling Lessons

6th grade-Bullying Basics and Cyberbullying

7th and 8th grade-One Love/Healthy Relationships

All staff completed a mandatory training on how to recognize the differences between bullying and mistreatement, how to respond, and how/when to involve UMHT and/or Administration.


Kids Against Bullying (Pacer) 

Stop Bullying. Gov

National Bullying Prevention Center (Pacer)

Committee for Children Bullying Prevention

Not in Our School

National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments