Counseling Domains

Counselors work with students in one of three domains.


  • Program of Studies: A document that outlines the middle school curricula

  • Course selection

  • Planning a course of studies

  • Promoting achievement


  • Feel free to access this site at home. Note that it contains many links to other sites containing more specific information. Be sure to monitor your child's activity.

  • Students will identify what Career Cluster matches with their skills and interests, learn about realistic cost of living and how to plan a budget, and continue to discover what their strengths are as it pertains to applying to appropriate college majors and work life post-high school. 


  • Host a Career Exploration Day in the spring of odd numbered years. About forty presenters share their experiences as workers.



  •     Assist students in maintaining positive relationships with others

  •     Promote resiliency in students

  •     Coordinate the Violence Prevention Program

  •     Assist parents' understanding of adolescence

  •     Able to connect students and parents to community resources

  •     Promote awareness of opportunities for volunteerism.