Counseling Domains
Counselors work with students in one of three domains.
Program of Studies: A document that outlines the middle school curricula
Course selection
Planning a course of studies
Promoting achievement
Feel free to access this site at home. Note that it contains many links to other sites containing more specific information. Be sure to monitor your child's activity.
Students will identify what Career Cluster matches with their skills and interests, learn about realistic cost of living and how to plan a budget, and continue to discover what their strengths are as it pertains to applying to appropriate college majors and work life post-high school.
Host a Career Exploration Day in the spring of odd numbered years. About forty presenters share their experiences as workers.
Assist students in maintaining positive relationships with others
Promote resiliency in students
Coordinate the Violence Prevention Program
Assist parents' understanding of adolescence
Able to connect students and parents to community resources
Promote awareness of opportunities for volunteerism.