Jude Misik, 8th Grade Counselor
Hello Harper Park Hurricanes!
Mr. Misik is the 8th grade counselor (Cher-Z) for the 2024/25 school year, which is his 7th year at Harper Park. He is focused on assisting students with their social/emotional and academic needs and values collaborating with parents and guardians, teachers, administration, and other UMHT (Unified Mental Health Team) members to support all students.
Mr. Misik helps balance the counseling program by addressing students’ academic, career, and social/emotional development in addition to balancing delivery methods, recognizing that students learn in multiple ways. Middle school is an exciting yet challenging time for students, their parents/guardians, and teachers. The knowledge, attitudes and skills students acquire during these years build the foundation for future success. The end result of this work is reflected in improvement in academic, attendance and discipline outcomes to academic development, college and career readiness and social/emotional development.
How to get in touch with Mr. Misik:
Email: jude.misik@lcps.org
Request form: Students can fill out the Request to See Mr. Misik form
Phone: Call the main school number: 571-252-2820
Suicide help hotline: Text or Call 988