Rising 7th Grade Course Selection Information (Current 6th Graders)

Rising 7th Grade 

Starting on February 8, 2024, parents/guardians and students will be able to view their teacher recommendations for core courses for next year (math, science, English, and history). You will see an "H" next to ALL the science, English, and history recommendations. The classes at HPMS are heterogeneous, meaning students of all ability levels are together. Utilizing personalized learning and differentiated instruction, teachers will be able to deliver the material to all students no matter their ability level.


If you have questions or concerns about a particular teacher recommendation, please contact that teacher directly to discuss.

Mrs. Tringali and and Mrs. Harper will visit Resource/Spectrum classes to share information with students regarding 7th grade elective options the week of February 12, 2024. Parents/guardians will also receive this information through email so you can discuss this with your child. Students will be able to select ELECTIVES ONLY via StudentVUE/ParentVUE until March 1, 2024.

If your student changes their mind (after March 1) on what electives they would like to take in the upcoming year, please contact your student's counselor directly and they can manually change selections after the portal closes on March 1, 2024.

Informational Opportunites

There will be a Rising 7th and 8th Grade Parent Coffee about the course selection process on January 29, 2024 at 9am in the HPMS Library. 

Video of Rising 7th and 8th Grade Parent Coffee Session 

Slides from Rising 7th and 8th Grade Parent Coffee

Students will be attending an Electives Fair during the school day on February 21, 2024.

***New for 2024 course selections* There will be NO schedule changes allowed after April 30, 2024. Please be sure to discuss your child's choices with them and come to a final decision BEFORE April 30, 2024 as counselors will NOT be allowed to make changes after that date. 

Please take a look at the Step-by-step instructions on how to make elective selections in StudentVUE/ParentVUE.

All 7th grade students must choose one half-block elective from the courses listed below:

(If you click on the underlined links, you will see a video description. There is also a video of all of the electives put together at the bottom of the list.)

Art 7 - An option for any 7th grader  

Band 7 - Students who took Band in 6th grade are able to take Band in 7th grade

Strings 7 - Students who took Strings in 6th grade are able to take Strings in 7th grade

Guitar 7 - A beginning guitar class for any interested 7th grader

Chorus 7 - An option for any 7th grader

For strings and band, students must have taken Strings 6 or Band 6 or have had an equivalent instrumental experience.

All 7th grade students must choose one full-block elective from the following courses:

Communication Studies  - A great option for 7th graders who are not yet ready for a high school credit World Language class.

A world language class:

  • French 

    • German 

    • Latin will not be offered at HPMS for the 2024-2025 school year

    • Spanish 

    • Spanish for Fluent Speakers  -This course requires an assessment by our Spanish teachers. If you are interested in being assessed to take Spanish for Fluent Speakers next year, please fill out this FORM

            French, German, Latin, Spanish and Spanish for Fluent Speakers are all High School Credit Bearing Courses. The grade and credit will remain on a student's transcript and will be factored into their high school GPA.

Intro to Computer Science - Any 7th or 8th grader can take this course. It would be in place of a World Language Course for a 7th grader. 

Course description: Introduction to Computer Science is the first standalone computer science course in the LCPS Program of Studies. Students will primarily utilize block-based programming to develop projects in order to think creatively, communicate clearly, use technologies fluently, and collaborate effectively. Students will study the history of computers and computer science, with a focus on the impact of Virginians, in addition to building additional programming skills within the framework of computer science principles. Students will explore and create computer programs, facilitate reasoning and problem-solving, and verify solutions with computer science tools that facilitate design, analysis, and implementation of computer programs.

Computer Science Foundations - Any 7th or 8th grader can take this course. It would replace taking a World Language for a 7th grader.

Course description: The Computer Science Foundations course provides students with an introduction to text-based programming with a goal of familiarizing students in developing and executing computer programs. Students will be introduced to several text-based programming languages with an emphasis on computer programming within the context of broader concepts of computer science. Languages include but are not limited to HTML, Python, JavaScript, and Java.

This VIDEO has current Computer Science students explaining what they like about the classes.

This VIDEO gives a simple explanation of the difference between the Intro to Computer Science and the Computer Science Foundations classes, which can help you decide which one is right for you.

Information Sheet on Middle School Computer Science Courses - Are these classes right for me?

You can read about all LCPS middle and high school course offerings in the 2024-2025 Program of Studies

(Please keep in mind that not all courses listed in the Program of Studies are available at HPMS)