Rising 9th Grade Course Selection Information (Current 8th Graders)

On January 17, 2025 the Heritage High School Counseling Department will be at Harper Park and will meet with the entire 8th grade to explain courses and options for Rising 9th Graders.  They will then visit with smaller groups in Resources classes to give more detail and help them make selections, on both January 17 and January 21. Heritage and HPMS Counselors will be walking students through the new Course Planner platform where students will be choosing courses for next year and beginning to map out their high school plans.

Parents and students can view and enter courses in course planner beginning January 13 and will need to submit their plans in Course Planner by February 28, 2025. During the month of February and March, HPMS Counselors will be meeting with each student individually to help them finalize their course plans.

Course Planner Instructions Resources

How to Review Your Child's Course Plan English

How to Review Your Child's Course Plan Spanish

How to Make Course Changes and Resubmit Before February 28

9th Grade Elective Options

Teacher Recommendations: Teacher recommendations will appear in Parent/StudentVue on January 28, 2025. Parents nor students can change teacher recommendations. If you have a concern/question about a particular recommendation, please contact that teacher directly. If after that conversation, a change needs to be made to a course request, the teacher will let the counselor know to make that change.

Important Dates to Remember:

January 15 @7:00pm-Virtual Course Planner Information Session for Families, this session is hosted by folks at the district level, not by Harper Park staff. Link for Information Session

January 17 and 21-Heritage and HPMS Counselors meet with students during Resource to walk through Course Planner.

January 28-Teacher recommendations are viewable in Parent/StudentVue

January 30-Course Information Night at Heritage High School-6pm-All parents/students are welcome to come learn about courses offered at Heritage HIgh School

February 28- All students must submit their Course Plans in Course Planner. There will still be opportunity for students to make changes with counselors during individual meetings.

February and March- HPMS Counselors meet individually with students to finalize Course Planner/Course Selections

April 9, 2025- 8th Grade Field Trip to Heritage-during school day

April 9, 2025-Rising 9th Parent Information Night at Heritage-7:00pm

April 30, 2025-Rising 9th Athletics Information Night at Heritage-7:00pm-come learn about all sports offerings at Heritage, timelines for tryouts and physical exam requirements

View details on all courses offered in LCPS in the 2025-2026 Program of Studies


CAMPUS Program

Please see more information about CAMPUS on our CAMPUS page.