Unified Mental Health Team/Mental Health Resources

Each LCPS Middle School  has a Unified Mental Health Team (UMHT). This team is comprised of school-based and community-based mental health professionals whose purpose is to better meet the emotional needs of our students. Your Harper Park UMHT is comprised of:

HPMS School Counselors:

  • Ashley Harper - Lead counselor and counselor for special education

  • Eric Demorest - 6th grade general education counselor

  • Rawan Tringali - 7th grade general education counselor

  • Jude Misik - 8th grade general education counselor

  • School Psychologist - Beth Weatherford

  • School Social Worker - Ashley Olson

  • Administrators - David Friend, Assistant Principal

  • Student Assistance Specialist - Helen Hoover

  • School Nurse - Kim Mills

  • School Resource Officer - Mercy Andrade, LPD 

Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @ HPMS_UMHT

What is your UMHT working on this year?

We meet monthly as a team to discuss programs and initiatives that can support students' mental wellness.  Here are some things we already have going:

We have created a UMHT Twitter and an Instagram account so we can share positive links and helpful information. Please follow us @HPMS_UMHT

We will be asking students to give us feedback on how things are going, what they need, and how we can better meet their mental health needs.

We will continue with our Sources of Strength program this year, which is a suicide prevention program which emphasizes kids positive sources they can draw upon in times of need.

We welcome your feedback and suggestions. Please email: Email Ashley Harper.

Online Resource Supporting Teen Mental Health & Wellness

Cameron's Collection Supporting Teen Mental Health & Wellness

Gale, Cengage Learning's compassion and awareness of the imperative and dire need for providing solutions that will support our students mental health and wellness has given birth to the curation of a collection of resources for teens who are battling with anxiety and depression-and provides targeted resources of guidance for students, teachers, and counselors-letting our students know that they are never, ever alone.  Teens will have the comfort of utilizing such support resources in the safe and private avenue of The Gale Virtual Reference Library via their own private device.

Please explore Cameron K. Gallagher Foundation  to learn more about Cameron's story and how one teenager is helping to change the world.  Gale is 'Speaking UP" for our teens battling with depression and anxiety and will be donating to the foundation for every collection implemented into our schools.

How to access the Cameron Collection:

You can access these ebooks from your Gale pages (Gale link on LCPSgo) in three ways:

1-As a separate link to the Cameron Collection from your Popular Middle School Resources Page

2-As part of different collections in your GVRL

3-By clicking on ebooks tab at the top of your Gale pages

Please visit the following link for more information regarding LCPS Student Mental Health Services