Sunday, September 8, is World Physical Therapy Day. We are so grateful for our Physical Therapists – thank you for everything you do for our students each and every day!

Families, stay connected! Check out our latest video on the communication tools available to you – from school updates to bus routes, we’ve got you covered. Stay informed and engaged with LCPS! https://vimeo.com/1001616225/23565efc1b?share=copy

Did you miss Tuesday’s, August 27, Back-to-School Question and Answer Session hosted by Superintendent Spence and LCPS leaders? Staff and community members submitted questions in advance to be answered by the team. Watch here: https://vimeo.com/1003291338

We had a fun team building exercise today in honor of our 25th anniversary as a school. Staff enjoyed making Guacamole while answering trivia questions about 1999 in order to earn extra ingredients! The judges were impressed and everyone enjoyed a yummy treat! 🥑

We appreciate our partnership with Mocha Moms! They donated school supplies and backpacks for our students. Thank you! 🙌

The Records Request button is undergoing an update and will be available on Wednesday, July 24. In the meantime, requesters can contact their school Registrar directly.

Pardon Our Progress: Please keep in mind that our new websites are a work in progress. Users may experience downtime, buffering or other unexpected hiccups. We appreciate your understanding and patience as staff actively works to migrate and launch a website of its size and improve usability, search, and more for the our community.

Dr. Spence shared the ONE LCPS: Forward Together Post Entry Plan to the School Board in June. His first year of listening to and engaging with community members, parents, staff and students informed the plan. Read it here: https://5il.co/2r7fi

The Loudoun County School Board held a meeting at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 25. Read the summary here: https://loudouncountypsva.sites.thrillshare.com/article/1669050

LCPS regularly reviews and revises its policies. For policies currently posted for review: https://www.lcps.org/policyreview

Wishing all our Comet families a safe and fun summer break!

The Board approved an updated 2024/2025 school calendar to address the impact of the announced VDOE changes & new initiatives. The plan aims to provide sufficient time for educators to learn & plan so that they can best serve students. Find the updated calendars here: https://5il.co/2ra5x