AMLE award

The Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) has recognized seventeen schools as AMLE Schools of Distinction for 2024, including JL Simpson Middle School in Loudoun County Public Schools, Virginia.

AMLE’s Schools of Distinction program recognizes exemplary schools while supporting them through a process of strategic vision setting to help foster ongoing growth and success. The program’s evaluation criteria are anchored in AMLE’s landmark position paper on best practice in the middle grades, The Successful Middle School: This We Believe, now in its fifth edition and 42nd year of publication.

JL Simpson Middle School completed a rigorous review process that measured implementation of middle grades best practice and continuous improvement plans. After advancing from the initial application, the school community participated in a series of stakeholder interviews that included a diverse array of staff, students, and families. 

“It is a privilege to recognize JL Simpson Middle School as an AMLE School of Distinction. They are truly worthy of this prestigious honor, and I’m excited for AMLE to be able to share their story,” said Stephanie Simpson, CEO of AMLE. During the review process, Simpson's efforts to build positive communication and relationships, the visibility and presence of school staff, high expectations with heart, organization and structure with flexibility, open doors to opportunities for all students, individual and collective accountability, and the establishment of a welcoming, affirming, inclusive environment were highlighted as particular areas of strength. 

The AMLE Schools of Distinction Committee noted specifically, "A strong sense of pride and belonging was evident in each group interviewed. There is a high level of respect between students and teachers, as well as teachers and the school administration. Students feel welcome, included, and supported. The school is a part of the larger community and understands the value of engaging with families. The staff believes in continually improving their practice to meet the needs of the individual learner. Feedback from students, teachers, and families is used often when making decisions, exemplifying a value for strong vision and leadership with a student-centered approach to learning."

“The AMLE Schools of Distinction Committee extends its heartfelt congratulations to JL Simpson Middle School! We eagerly anticipate celebrating their achievement at our annual conference in November and learning about their exemplary middle school practices,” said Katie Johnson, Chair of the AMLE Schools of Distinction Committee. “I deeply appreciate the support and collaboration of all school stakeholders, committee members, and AMLE staff in this year’s selection process.”

AMLE recognizes schools that meet the Schools of Distinction criteria on an annual basis. JL Simpson Middle School will be recognized and present on their exemplary practices live at AMLE24: The 51st Annual Conference for Middle Level Education this November.

Check out our profile on the AMLE website: LINK