Physical Education

The "Winter Boots in PE" Issue

Tennis Shoe Policy for Phyiscal Education in

Loudoun County Public Schools 

BOOTS: The boot issue comes up every year when the weather gets cold. Loudoun County Schools policy is that students wear sneakers in PE. Another justification for prohibiting boots in your gym is that a film builds up from dirt and water carried into the gym from the tread on boots, thus creating a slippery surface on the gym floor. This is a greater safety issue as it impacts everyone.  Another issue is that we do not want students sitting out due to improper footwear. Students can always bring sneakers in their backpacks on PE days and change their shoes. If there are any questions on this matter, you may call Sheila Jones, the Health, Physical Education and Driver Education Supervisor or Mr. Sanford and Mr. Adkins at Little River Elementary.

Physical Education Training Camp

Dear Parents:

Our curriculum includes a balance of skills, concepts, game activities, rhythms, and dance experiences designed to enhance the cognitive, motor, affective, and physical fitness development of every child.  Our students will have opportunities to develop cooperation, responsibility, and goal setting skills.

Physical Education Rules:

  1. Respect others.

  2. Use equipment safely as directed.

  3. Listen and follow directions.

  4. Be a good sport

  5. Have FUN!

Please send a note from home if your child needs to be excused from participation (3 days or less).  If your child needs to be excused longer than three days or has restricted activity, please send a doctor’s note.

On the days your child has Physical Education class, please make sure he/she wears the proper shoes and clothing.  The proper shoes do not include flip-flops, sandals, boots, or shoes that do not have backs to them.  If they wish to wear these kinds of shoes on P.E. days please send tennis shoes in their backpacks so they can participate in P.E. We prefer skorts, but if your daughter wears a skirt, please make sure there are shorts worn underneath. 

The playground is a fun place to play before and after school.  We would like students to follow these rules when using the playground:

  1. Please leave the mulch on the ground.

  2. Use the equipment in an appropriate manner (if you can not reach it, you should not be using it).

  3. Have fun, play safe, and be a good sport.

Mr. Sanford and Mr. Adkins