Mission Statement

The Little River Elementary School Counseling program provides equitable access to a developmentally appropriate, comprehensive curriculum that addresses the academic, career, and social/emotional needs of all students in our increasingly diverse community.  The program is based on a belief that all students can achieve at their highest abilities when school and home work together to create life-long learners and productive citizens.  The data-driven program strives to provide the individualized support needed to empower our students to make meaningful contributions in regards to their own learning and to the world around them.

Vision Statement
The vision of the Little River Elementary school counseling program is that all students are effective lifelong learners who achieve at their highest level of success.  Students recognize their full academic, career, and social/emotional potential while developing into productive community citizens.  Our students are respectful, responsible, kind, and empathetic and are inspired to create a better tomorrow.

The school counseling program is based upon the following beliefs:

The needs of all students will be addressed in an equitable manner by providing guidance lessons to every classroom.

Counseling services are accessible to every student through individual and small group formats.

Every student (K-5) has access to the school counseling program. Counselors will not discriminate, but rather embrace diversity while providing fair and ethical services.

Skills and competencies will be taught in a preventative way, to give strategies and coping mechanisms to students for success now and in the future.

School-wide data will be used to determine areas of student weakness and, as a result, the school counselors will create effective interventions to elevate all students to their academic potential.

Lessons are aligned with the American School Counselor Association's Mindsets and Behavior and the Virginia Standards for School Counseling Programs.

School counselors will serve as advocates for all students and families.

School counselors will collaborate with stakeholders such as teachers, administrators, parents, and community members to support student achievement.

The school counselors will manage and evaluate the guidance program with the assistance of a Advisory Council.

The use of data through needs assessments, pre/post-tests, and the school improvement plan will drive the decisions and planning of the department.

School counselors will continually evaluate the program through annual feedback from the staff, as well as community and student climate survey results from Loudoun County Public Schools.

We look forward to working with our wonderful Little River families! 

Our school counselors provide a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate program which provides all students the opportunity for classroom lessons, individual sessions, and/or small group work.  We are available to consult and collaborate with families throughout the year.  We provide assistance with a variety of topics that may affect a child's performance at school. 

Little River Mental Health Team

Little River Elementary School’s Unified Mental Health Team (UMHT) – comprised of school counselors, psychologist, and social worker – offers mental health services and supports to enhance student social, emotional, and behavioral growth. This team of school-based mental health professionals works with students, families, school staff, and outside providers to promote a positive school environment that supports student success and ability to cope with challenges through direct (e.g., classroom curriculum, group counseling and individual counseling) and indirect (e.g., collaborating or consulting with staff, families or communities) methods. 
