Leesa Bell


Email Leesa Bell

Loudoun Valley High School

Home of the Vikings

Next Level DECA

If there’s one thing that’s true about DECA members, it’s our ability to surprise you. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, we find a way to break through to the NEXT LEVEL. Digging deep to overcome the odds is second nature to emerging leaders and entrepreneurs. Within each of us lives a ceaseless desire to exceed expectations and rise higher and higher to new levels of success. This is not just another year. This is our chance to break free of our routines and challenge the status quo. This is the year we push our limits and set our sights higher than ever before.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program comes together to integrate, apply, connect and promote emerging leaders and entrepreneurs:

  1. Integrates into classroom instruction: Authentic experiential learning methods to prepare members for college and career.

  2. Applies Learning: Members put their knowledge into action through rigorous project based activities that require creative solutions with practical outcomes.

  3. Connects to Business: Partnerships with businesses at a local and broader level provide DECA members realistic insight into industry and promote meaningful, relevant learning.

  4. Promotes Competition: As in a global economy, a spark of competition drives DECA members to excel and improve their performance.

DECA prepares the next generation of leaders to be:

Academically Prepared

DECA members are ambitious, high-achieving leaders equipped to conquer the challenges of their aspirations. 

Community Oriented

Recognizing the benefit of service and responsibility to the community, DECA members continually impact and improve their local and broader communities. 

Professionally Responsible

DECA members are poised professionals with ethics, integrity and high standards.

Experienced Leaders

DECA members are empowered through experience to provide effective leadership through goal setting, consensus building and project implementation.

Eligible courses for enrollment/membership include:

  • Introduction to Business Marketing

  • Sports and Entertainment Marketing

  • Travel, Tourism & Destination Marketing

  • Marketing 

  • Advanced Marketing  

  • Personal Finance and Cybersecurity **See an Advisor to discuss the special requirements to join

Visit these websites to learn more:

DECA Website

Virginia DECA

Or Contact Email LVHS DECA Advisor