Student Parking
Parking facilities are provided at LVHS as a convenience to 11th and 12th grade students who drive to school. Parking on school grounds is a privilege that may be granted by the Administration. Complete the application and turn it in to Mrs. Motter in the Main Office. The following conditions must be met:
To register, students and parents must complete and submit this form. Students will need to show their driver’s license when picking up their parking permit. An email will be sent to the student's LCPS email address when the permit is ready.
Students must register any vehicle which will be parked on school property. If you drive a vehicle to school, other than the two vehicles allotted on this form, you must notify the Main Office.
Parking hang tags must be hung visibly on the rearview mirror in your vehicle.
The number on your purchased permit is for identification purposes only.
Students may park in any numbered spot within their designated lot.
Do not park in spots designated for Staff. No student parking behind the school. Do not park in senior spaces that are painted.
Once on school grounds, students will not be allowed to leave until school is dismissed.
Students may not sit in parked vehicles or linger in the parking area.
Traffic laws, school regulations, and normal safety procedures must be observed at all times.
The speed limit on school property is 10 miles an hour.
Drivers are responsible for the conduct of their passengers and the contents of their vehicles while on school grounds and while driving to and from school.
Cars parked on school property are subject to search under School Board Policy 8-2.
The penalty for illegal parking may result in disciplinary action and suspension of your driving privilege.
All deficiencies must be paid before you will receive a permit.
Please Note That Driving To School Is A Privilege Which Should Not Be Abused. The Administration Reserves The Right To Rescind Driving Privileges Of Students For The Following Reasons:
Not showing sufficient academic progress
Accumulating excessive tardies or absences
Excessive or serious disciplinary infractions
For any other reasons deemed appropriate