Family Liaison
A Parent Liaison is a LCPS staff member who acts as an advocate for students and their families by helping to bridge the gap between home and school. They do this by connecting parents with the information, resources, and services they need to ensure their student's academic and social success at school. A Parent Liaison works to empower parents to become active participants in the education of their children.
Confidentiality is always upheld!
Loudoun Valley’s parent liaison is Erin Bucci. Erin has been an active member of the Western Loudoun community for many years, and is the parent of four Loudoun Valley graduates. She is familiar with the needs of the school community and the available school and community resources, and is a Spanish speaker.
You may contact Erin by calling the Loudoun Valley Main Office at 540-751-2400 or emailing her at Please reach out with any questions or concerns or to start a conversation on how LVHS's parent liaison can serve your family.
Parent Liaisons
Facilitate parent-school communication
Facilitate community agency referrals
Foster trust between parents and the educational community
Foster higher academic achievement through collaboration with school personnel
Community & Medical Resources
State & County Social Services Assistance
Virginia's Common Help Resource
CommonHelp is a web-based app that allows residents of Virginia to screen for eligibility and apply for social services. Benefits include healthcare, food resources, child care services, emergency assistance, and more. Access is available 24/7.
Homeless Assistance
Good Shepherd Alliance
Good Shepherd Alliance serves the homeless (and near-homeless) in Loudoun County by providing emergency shelter, transitional housing, pantry and thrift stores and intensive case management.Mobile Hope
Mobile Hope improves the lives of young people, 24 years of age or younger, who are who are precariously housed or homeless in Loudoun County.
Medical and Dental Assistance
Healthworks for Northern Virginia
Healthworks provides health care to people who have limited or no health insurance. HealthWorks for Northern Virginia provides medical, dental and behavioral health services to anyone in need, regardless of age or ability to pay, whether they have insurance or not. All community residents have equal access regardless of ability to pay, geographic location, culture, age, sex or religion.
Loudoun Free Clinic
The clinic serves medically uninsured Loudoun County residents with limited income. The clinic is staffed by area physicians, nurses and other volunteers.