Sign-up window is from 7AM - 10AM each morning
The Gerald Shipp Library
Hours: Monday-friday, 9:00 - 4:30
The mission of the Loudoun Valley High School Library is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information so as to empower them to be critical thinkers, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information.
On November 21, 2004, the library was formally dedicated to Mr. Gerald Shipp, a past principal at Loudoun Valley who was an avid reader and library supporter. Mr. Shipp retired from LVHS in 1991 after having served as its principal for 19 years. Mr. Shipp's portrait, painted by then Fine Arts chairperson Mr. Dean Drewyer, hangs in the library.

Mrs. Walter, Mrs. Kettner, Mr. Mueller
Our Library Staff
Mrs. Walter received her Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, and her Master's degree and reading specialist endorsement from the University of Virginia. Most recently she added her school librarian endorsement from Longwood University.
Mr. Mueller has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Theatre from Shenandoah Conservatory and a Master of Science in School Library Media from Longwood University.
Mrs.Kettner previously worked at Charles Town Library and Northpoint High School in Charles County, MD.
Library Access
Students may come to the library before, during and after school. Students looking for a quiet alternative for their lunch location are welcome! eHall passes are required (except during lunch) during the school day. Students will also come to the library with their teachers as scheduled. We ask all students to sign in when they enter the library. During the school day, we ask all students to sign out by letting on the library staff know.
Circulation Policy
Regular books may be checked out for three weeks. Reference books may be checked out at the end of the day for overnight use only, and must be returned before the tardy bell on the next school day. Magazines circulate for seven days; current issues do not circulate. Students use their student ID number to check out books. Up to twenty-five items may be checked out at one time. Students who have any overdue items will be asked to return those overdue items. Students with significantly overdue books may not be allowed to check out futher materials until they return those overdue materials. All materials should either be returned promptly or renewed by bringing in the books. Books may be returned before, during, or after school by putting them in the Book Drop on the front right side of the circulation desk (slot is located just below the sign-in station). Students are responsible for materials checked out in their name and are discouraged from checking items for other students.
Fines/Lost Books
There are no charges for overdue materials. Students are responsible for paying for the replacement of any library books that they have lost. Once the library has ordered a replacement copy (or its equivalent), the student will not be entitled to a refund if s/he subsequently finds the library book. Students who do not return all of their library books by the end of the school year will have a deficiency for the missing titles placed in their record. In cases of financial hardship, please let the library staff know so that alternative solutions may be worked out.
Copy machine
A copy machine is available for our patrons' convenience. Please see one of the library staff. There is no charge for school work. We remind our patrons to observe copyright rules and laws.
Students are expected to maintain proper library behavior at all times.
Staff Scheduling
Teachers are encouraged to schedule library time for research. Please provide us with your class assignment and requirements. We will prepare appropriate information and materials for you and your class. A librarian will work with you and your group.
Teachers are expected to remain with their students and to help monitor computer use.
Three students may be sent from your class at one time. Students should have work to do and sign in at the circulation desk on entering and leaving.
Teachers have unlimited use of our materials, with due dates of four weeks for books. Occasionally it will be necessary to request the return of materials so that others may use them. You will receive overdue notices to remind you of materials signed out to you.
Materials can be "carted" for your convenience. Reference Carts will be marked with your name and assignment. These carts can be used in the library and/or your classroom.
Overnight only circulation can be arranged for your materials. Books may be checked out at the end of the day and returned before the start of school the next morning.