About the LVHS PTO

The Loudoun Valley High School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), a 501(3)c organization, is made up of parent volunteers and faculty with purpose of enriching the educational experience of our students by supporting school academic, athletic, fine arts, recreation, social, and other activities at the school and by fostering good relationships between school, parents, teachers, and community.

Our board of directors is made up of parent volunteers and we are always looking for parents to participate in the PTO through our fundraisers and in support of our activities.

Why participate in the PTO?

  1. It benefits your children! Research shows that participating in your child’s school and showing engagement helps them perform better at school.

  2. The school benefits! The PTO provides support for teachers, administrators, student groups, and special projects, which, in turn, creates a more positive, caring, and learning-forward environment in the school.

  3. Make connections! Stay connected with what is going on at school and get to know the teachers, administrators, and other parents.

  4. Be a role model! By getting involved, you show your student(s) the importance you place on education. If you value it, they will too!

How can you support the LVHS PTO?

  • Donate! Make a meaningful and helpful donation to the PTO to allow the organization to continue funding important projects and events for our students, student groups, teachers, and administrators!

  • Participate! Volunteering with the PTO doesn’t necessarily mean a heavy commitment. Join the meetings, help with events, participate in spirit nights, provide your ideas or special talents, or even join the Board. The PTO greatly benefits from increased parent engagement. Contact us at Email PTO if you are interested.

  • Subscribe! Join our email list to make sure you get important information from LVHS PTO.


The PTO Executive Board is typically made up of a president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, and executive-at-large. The board uses additional volunteers to lead committees and represent the PTO for outside activities, including:

  • Loudoun County Public School’s Minority Student Achievement Advisory Committee (MSAAC)

  • Loudoun County Public School’s Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)

Email PTO if you are interested in helping as a volunteer or representative.

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Also, parents are welcome to our monthly PTO meetings, normally held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the school library. (Check your email or the Facebook group for the most up-to-date meeting information!)

Join the Loudoun Valley High School PTO Facebook Group to keep up with events happening at the school and other information.

This is a closed group which is meant to provide an informal forum for Loudoun Valley High School PTO members to discuss and share information and ideas.

 All parents and staff are members of the PTO.

LVHS PTO Facebook Group


Please help the Loudoun Valley High School Support our Students and Teachers by participating in our Fundraisers!

We know that LVHS parents are managing busy schedules, so we take an easy approach to fundraising – no selling items, no complicated schedules – just a simple ask for funding help. The money raised by the PTO funds faculty grants, student enrichment, and special projects. The PTO Board works directly with the administration, the teachers, and the student groups to identify items and priorities for funding.

Please click the Donate button at the top to make your contribution!

You can also download the 2021-2022 PTO Fundraiser form to make a donation by check or cash.

The LVHS PTO also sponsors activities and spirit nights throughout the year to raise funds for our programs and activities. Find out more about those through our newsletter and our Facebook group.

The LVHS PTO looks forward to working alongside Valley’s dedicated staff to fund programs that enhance your students’ education and experience. Our suggested donation is $40 per student but any amount is appreciated!

Examples of things LVHS PTO has funded to enrich the high school experience for students include:

  • Literacy and reading achievement programs

  • Equipment for STEM enrichment activities

  • Sponsorships for awareness events organized by students and student groups

  • Support for student groups to participate in regional, state, and national activities

  • Covid-19 support activities