Loudoun Valley High School motivates students to participate in volunteer service throughout their high school years. Those who show a significant dedication to service by completing at least 100 hours by March 1st of their senior year will be awarded a service cord to wear at graduation. Loudoun County Public Schools do not require volunteer service hours for graduation.
To qualify for a Volunteer Valley service cord, students must log their volunteer hours using the Volunteer Service Hours Record in SchooLinks by March 1st of their senior year. This record is accessible in SchooLinks via LCPS Go under Schools --> Experience Tracking. It can be filled out multiple times to document various volunteer activities and hours. Only volunteer hours from the summer before 9th grade through March 1st of senior year are eligible.
To maintain accuracy and accountability, students must provide the email address of the adult who supervised their activity. This supervisor will receive an email to verify the volunteer hours submitted. This verification form is crucial as it confirms the authenticity of the hours reported by the student. Any false reporting will result in the student being disqualified from receiving the Volunteer Valley Volunteer Service Cord.
Loudoun Valley High School defines volunteer service as activities where students dedicate their time to positively impact their community, benefiting individuals, groups, or causes without seeking financial reward or personal gain. By identifying community needs, individuals actively participate and contribute their time and talents to address real-life issues with a sense of social responsibility, aiming to show kindness and respect for the dignity of others and our shared humanity.
Examples of volunteer service include, but are not limited to the following if done without compensation:
Volunteering at a local food pantry or distributing food to those in need
Volunteering at a local animal shelter
Environmental clean-up projects
Tutoring, coaching, or mentoring younger children
Volunteering at an assisted living facility for senior citizens
Assisting with unified activities that support individuals with disabilities
Becoming a volunteer firefighter or EMT
Volunteering for individuals in need of medical care (i.e. hospital volunteer programs, blood donations, creating care packages for children in cancer treatment or wounded warriors)
Serving as a manager for an athletic team
Serving as teacher assistant at LVHS
Volunteer service does not include activities such as:
Attendance at club meetings (even for non-profits or service-oriented groups)
Donating items or money (while philanthropic, we do not view this as hands-on service)
How to Access & Add Hours to Schoolinks Volunteer Service Hours Record - Volunteer Valley
Students should use the Volunteer Service Hours Record within SchooLinks (access through LCPS Go) to maintain and log their community service hours.
Deadline to submit volunteer hours for the Volunteer Valley Volunteer Service Cord is March 1st of senior year.
Students should log volunteer hours as they complete them so that supervisors can verify the hours as close to the time the service was completed as possible.
Students must log their hours using the Volunteer Service Hours Record within SchooLinks and have logged 100 or more hours by March 1st of their senior year to be considered for the Volunteer Valley Service Cord.