PFH Course Change Request Forms (25-26 School Year Classes)

Course Change Request Process

The course change request window will close on Friday, April 4th, 2025 at 12:00 pm (NOON). 

If you wish to request a change to your recommended courses and or elective courses, please complete the course change request form AFTER you have completed your course scheduling meeting with your school counselor. Students must use their LCPS account to complete the google form. 

The link to the form will be emailed to the student and parent/guardian after the course selection meeting with their school counselor. Students must use their LCPS account to complete the google form.

Your courses (both core academic classes & your selected electives) will be viewable in SchooLinks under Course Planner. Upon meeting with your school counselor, your teacher recommendations will be uploaded into SchooLinks.

To review your current teacher recommendations (available after February 1st), please log in to StudentVUE (you must use the website - the app does not work for this feature). 

To request any changes to your course request as listed in SchooLinks, you will need to fill out the Course Change Request Form found in your email from your school counselor. Students will first complete the form, it will then be emailed to the teacher for feedback, then it will be emailed to the parent/guardian to request confirmation and then once all of these steps are completed the school counselor will make the update in SchooLinks. Please keep in mind, all steps must be completed by April 4th at 12:00 pm in order to be considered.

Questions on the status of your request: please check the confirmation email you received after submitting your request. You are able to track where the form is and resend if necessary. Please be sure to follow up with your teacher and/or parent to have them complete the form.

*Please keep in mind, some courses may be full and your request may not be granted.  Your school counselor will reach out if there are any issues.*