Attendance Procedures

  1. Call 571-434-4502 and leave a message (for absences only)

  2. Email Park View Absentee (for absences, tardies, or early dismissals)

  3. Email Lynne Rose (for absences, tardies, or early dismissals)

Call-in Procedures:

If it is necessary for a student to be absent, a parent or guardian needs to contact the PVHS absentee line, 571-434-4502, as soon as possible. For your convenience, this is a 24 hour answering machine. An email can also be sent to Email Park View Absentee .  Please include the following information:

  • student’s name

  • student's grade

  • parent’s name, relation to student

  • reason for absence

  • working contact number

Students who are not in class are at risk of being marked tardy or absent; those who accumulate a specific number of tardies and absences may face disciplinary action. 

You can also report a student's absence on ParentVUE. The directions can be found here: Parent Submitted Attendance-English

Early Dismissal Information

  • Once a student is on school grounds, they may not leave the property without written permission from a parent or guardian. All notes should be submitted to the attendance office prior to the start of school each morning, and should include the student’s name, reason for dismissal, a working contact number for the parent/guardian, and should be signed by the parent/guardian. Upon dismissal, all students need to sign out with the attendance office. Any student without a note must be signed out by a parent/guardian in the attendance office.

  • Students are not permitted to leave school for lunch or errands, even if they are 18. Any student who leaves school property without prior permission may face disciplinary consequences.

  • Students leaving school for medical or dental appointments, court appearances, or other sanctioned events should always bring an official note upon return to school.

  • All early dismissal notes must be turned into Attendance before 9:15 am, or the parent/guardian will have to come into the school and sign out the student.  Phone calls are NOT accepted for early dismissals.  If a note is not turned into Attendance before 9:15 am, a note may be faxed to PVHS in order for the early dismissal to occur.  Please fax to 571-434-4501.  An email can also be sent to Email Park View Absentee .

  • Early dismissals are no longer being granted after 3:30 PM.

Tardy Information

A student is tardy when he or she arrives at an assigned place after the time his or her schedule requires him or her to be there. Repeated or habitual tardiness is an undesirable personal habit and is also disruptive of the orderly instructional process; therefore, teachers and administrators have the option to take corrective action.           

Students who are tardy to school are expected to present a parental note or other official note upon arrival to school; students without notes will automatically be assigned an unexcused tardy. **Valid reasons for tardies include medical or dental appointments, illness, death in the immediate family, or court appointed appearances.** Any arrival after 9:30 a.m., without a note, will result in immediate parental notification by the administration. Continued patterns of excessively late arrivals will result in disciplinary action as well as loss of credit for daily work.

All athletes, team managers, and extracurricular activities participants (including academic squad members and band/music/drama members) must be at school by 9:15 a.m. to participate in the activity or practice on any given day, and must remain in school for the entire day. Exceptions may be granted for medical or dental appointments or court appearances, when and only when, an official note is provided.