Fine Arts

The Fine Arts Department is made up of three distinct areas: Art, Drama, and Music.
Our Art Program believes that the fundamental need for personal expression and the ability of the visual arts to satisfy this need place art in a vital role in the general school curriculum. A comprehensive and varied art program is offered to help satisfy individual differences and the needs of the students.
The Drama Program believes that all students deserve to experience some measure of success. All students have some talent, and whatever their talents and interests may be, they can share these talents, discover new ones and grow through their cooperation and experience with live theater. It is our belief that since theater is a reflection of life, all students who take drama will find ways to apply their knowledge to their own lives. Students will improve their self-esteem and learn very necessary personal skills to enhance their dealings with others in life.
The Music Program believes that the complete education of every student should include a variety of experiences in music. Through the pursuit of these experiences, students have the opportunity to develop an appreciation for the performing arts, nurture an existing talent to its fullest potential, and become more culturally conscious. The study of music is imperative to the development of self-discipline and collaboration in meeting a common goal. Participation in such activities promotes confidence in one's ability and pride in one's self.