The National Honor Society is a national organization that recognizes outstanding scholarship, leadership, character, and service in juniors and seniors. Potential members must have a 3.5 grade point average to be eligible. In addition, they must complete an application and meet the approval of the faculty. Students must maintain their GPA of at least a 3.5 and accumulate 25 service hours or more each year of membership (this amount will be adjusted for this school year).

National Honor Society Selection Process

Once a year new members are selected for the National Honor Society (NHS).  Membership into NHS is based upon outstanding achievement in four areas: scholarship, leadership, service, and character.  Juniors (Class of 2024) are eligible if they have achieved a grade point average of 3.50 and Seniors (Class of 2023) are eligible if they have achieved a 3.50 grade point average for their high school career.  Those students having achieved this goal will receive an invitation to submit information for consideration by the faculty advisory committee for induction into the NHS.  The information sheets will assist the faculty advisory committee in the selection of those students to be inducted into the NHS.

NHS Selection Policy

Students may not apply for membership in the National Honor Society.  Membership is granted only to those students selected by the Faculty Council in each school.  A student who has been in attendance for at least the equivalent of one full semester, is a member of the junior or senior class, and has met the minimum scholarship qualifications is eligible for selection must then be considered for membership on the basis of Service, Leadership, and Character.”

Students joining NHS must be aware of the continuous requirements of maintaining their GPA, Leadership, Character, and Service. The service requirements are a minimum of twenty-five hours (25)* over the course of the academic year. If you feel that you are unable to complete these requirements then the NHS may not be the organization for you.  A National Honor Society member must maintain the requirements as stated above and attend monthly meetings.   Failure to meet these expectations will result in removal from the organization.

  • for the 2022 - 2023 school year this number is 20 hours, as we continue to adjust to returning to in-person learning 

NHS News and Upcoming Events

We meet on the 3rd Friday of each month. 

First meeting: September 15, 2023 at 8:35 in the auditorium 

Join Remind, the Park View NHS text messaging system:
NEW - Text @pvhnhs23 to 81010 and a response message will be sent.  Please put your first and last name in reply.  Parents: You can join too! Please put Parent of [your child's name] in the reply.